"T'aint fair I'm tellin' ya!!!"

Sicker than a dog today! My day off....what a bunch of B.S.:(

Originally I wanted to steelhead fish yesterday before work, then I thought I would take the boat for a short coho trip on the main before work, then I found out that a relator from Re-max was coming to show our house at 10:30 :mad: So I waited around and by 11:15 the Re-knob from Re-max still hadn't show up! It's supposed to be by appointment only....no call...nothing! What a Re-knob!! So I grab a couple of Ho rods and head to the river to do a little recon before work. While I am fishing I am beggining to feel this little tickle in the back of my throat...Hmmm? By 5:00 yesterday evening I have a full blown cold....by 10:00 I think I am going to die! By 11:00 I just wish that I would die!!! I never before have had sinus pain that bad! It was migraine quality!!! :(

I had made plans with my neighbor friend to fish Ho's on the main and at 6:30 I have to call and cancel....Arggg!!! :mad:

Maybe I'll feel good enough tommorrow? Life is not fair sometimes....work all week and then get to spend your days off sick! :rolleyes:

Insult to injury....I just stopped by the fish window at Winchester and it is loaded with bright coho....including a couple of clippers!
Ughhh! Sorry to hear it hit you so hard and so fast. This is always a "sick" time of year. We had to get a mandatory flu shot at work this week. Hope you feel better soon.
Tis the season. Being sick is horrible. I have a pretty strong immune system but I've had multiple sick patients cough and sneeze in my face and feel that tickle in my throat tonight...I have a big camping/fishing trip planned next weekend (my first weekend off since I started this job almost 5 months ago!) and I have a feeling I'm going to be sick. Won't keep me at home I'll go if I'm dying because I have to, but being sick sucks so much!
Dont you get mad when people cough and sneeze on you? I used to get peepeed when guys at work who were sick would wipe there nose with there hand, and then start touching the machine we were working on... always ended up sick by the end of the week.
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Thats gross. I saw a cna cough, sneeze, use the restroom, and empty a nasty bedpan today without using hand sanitizer. There is hand sanitizer inside and outside every single room in the hospital. And in assorted other places. EVERYWHERE. No excuses! Plus there's two sinks in every single room. Makes me mad. My problem is with patients sneezing in my face whenever I'm in the middle of something like drawing blood, or starting IV's etc. It's always when I'm in a position where I can't move or do anything about it. Almost to the point of wearing a face mask when I go in rooms. Fortunately I only get sick about twice a year, but when I do, it's misery.
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