Swimming with the fish

A few weeks back during the hot spell I finally convinced myself to set my rod down and jump in the river. Boy was I surprised at just how many fish there are!

Even some bigger ones, this was the best I managed, and this was still a small one...
Very cool! What sort of camera do you use? I've been eying a GoPro 1080HD camera for fishing and rafting.
wow...thats pretty cool...looks fun.
Very cool!!
Modest_Man said:
Very cool! What sort of camera do you use? I've been eying a GoPro 1080HD camera for fishing and rafting.

It's an Olympus 850SW, it doesn't take the greatest pictures or video, and the audio is terrible, but it is most definitely waterproof, drop proof, and fish slime proof so I don't complain too much :).
Dude...I swear I saw one of bigsteel's Peacock Stimulators go by.

Seriously, The footage I've seen of a lure or nymph under water really lets you know what the fish are seeing and what kind of action is happening on the end of your line. Also what the fish are doing too. Cool video.:cool:
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great videos man, i liked how you kept up with the steelie for a min
nice vid,,i want my stimulator back
I love underwater footage. Thank you for sharing.
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