Summer run fun

Friday I hit the Upper Rogue in search of some summer steelhead. I was greeted by a family fishing the tailout I wanted to fish, so I patiently waited for them to leave. I fished the upper section of the hole for awhile with only one trout to show for my efforts, and pondered whether I was ever going to get to fish the prime spot. After a little while longer the family finally left so I slid into the tailout to give it a try.

It wasn't 10 mins before I finally felt the tap-tap-tap of a fish. I set the hook, and instantly a silver rocket came exploding out of the air. The steelhead caught a good 4ft of air before returning to the water, only to come straight back out for another 4ft jump. As it shook its head wildly the hook popped out of it's mouth, and that was all she wrote. I didn't hook another fish for the rest of the evening, but that one fish left me with a video that keeps repeating over and over again in my head.

It's moments like this that draw me back day after day to the sport that I love. Some may say that I have an addiction (which I probably do), but until you experience the adrenaline rush of a chrome rocket on the end of your line, you'll never understand why it is that some one can be so hooked on fishing.
gotta keep fishing to make up for those lost fish! i have had quite a few spit my hooks and break me this year, 6lb test will do it tho :P atleast you got to see the fish!
For me, the TAKE is what it is all about!!! I love fishing the spot and hooking the fish where you know they should be! If they come cartwheeling out of the water all catywumpus and crazy and throw the hook....oh, well....that's summer run fishing! I hooked 4 the other morning and only kept 1 on the hook longer than 10 seconds!!! :D

And it is hard waiting to fish the spot when you know fish are present and whoever is fishing it doesn't even cast where the fish hold! There is a good read in the current STS by Scott Haugen on summer run fishing that descibes that exact senario! It's a game of inches!!!
k15 steelhead.jpgHad a hot 12lb summer smash a k15 quick yesterday, what a sight to see that fish cartwheeling down stream with a 6" lure stuck to its head...summers are awesome
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