stubborn cutthroat on a broken line

Well-known member
recently found access to a spot i haven't been to in over 2 years and caught a few fish today, i had one on that got around a rock and snapped me off, but he was still hooked and my indicator was still on the line, so i could see the fish wherever it went. i tried multiple times to sneak up when it was in shallower water and proceeded to grab the indicator, take the fly out and release the fish, well it was a tougher task then i thought it would be LOL. i tried for about 15 minutes and eventually gave up when the fish was nowhere to be found. caught 2 fish then headed back down and saw him again hiding under a shelf in 2ft of water. this was my only chance to one,save the fish's life and two, get my setup back. i snuck up behind the slighrtly submerged strike indicator and grabbed for it, to my suprise i got it! it would not budge at first, but then the fish felt me pulling so he tried to take off. i held on, banked the fish took a pic, and released him to live another day. idk how i managed to get that thing but it was awesome :lol: the fish had a stomach on him too. probably sitting there slurping caddis larva and stonefly nymphs all day. fished dries when the fished starting rising (right after sunset) and didn't get anything. idk what was hatching.. i was thinking mosquitoes and somthing else small . but there were fish rising at a steady pace. top right picture is the one that was on the broken line that i had to hunt down
  • trout.jpg
  • pain in the butt cutt.jpg
  • cutthroat.jpg
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Nice - pay off for a fishless weekend for sure
Good story Brandon!

Haha indicator hunter. Nice job
Nicely done Brandon on getting that indicator back and overall helping that fish out. Way to be pro-active and do your part to cause a minimal impact on the hatchery.

Those little things that were hatching that looked like mosquitoes might have been midges. They are very mosquito like in nature, at least they look like it to me. And fish love them!! :D

You might try a griffith's gnat next time, in a small size like a 22 or maybe a 24. I have one that you can try out sometime soon (hehehehe ;););) hehehehe) I also have one that I tied myself on a size 12 hook. It was the smallest hook that I had at that time so it is kind of big for a griffith's gnat but it was my first attempt.:lol:

Again, nicely done on the fish. Beautiful fish on that small creek there.

Take care

LOL...Brandon and Chuck Norris starring in...

Cutthroat Slayer II...

Coming to a theater near you!
Brandon....Not working. I think you should go by "The Cutt slayer" Nice fish man! Thats quite the story also. Cutthroat wrangler.
thanks everyone. it was nice to get out for a little bit and catch a few :D
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