Steelhead yet?

Active member
Are steelies showing up in JD yet? ODFW site says no but I heard a second hand report that said a big YES!

I have a chance to go at the end of the week and don't want to make the trip for nothing... :think:
What part of the john day river are you asking about??
I don't know the area too well, but I know that it's above the narrows a little ways...
John Day steel heads

John Day steel heads

The best place for those fish is up river from LaPage Park (the mouth). Not to far up river is another park that you can only reach by boat. Fish across from the park toward the west bank along the wall. Or go up stream past the power lines to the narrows. Keep in mind that there is no steelhead hatchery on the John Day. The bulk of the fish are non-hatchery fish. A few B run fish headed for Idaho get lost and make a right turn into the John Day but they are about the only fin clipped fish in there. I used to fish that starting in late November until late January. I quit pulling the boat up there to chase non-hatchery fish especially with the weather at that time of year. I have attched a picture of my fishing partner holding one of those torpedose.
Nice fish!

Yea I know where I'm going...just lookin that if they are up in there above the narrows yet.
ODFW Weekly Report 10/21/2009

ODFW Weekly Report 10/21/2009

JOHN DAY RIVER: trout, steelhead, bass

Steelhead have entered the lower John Day and fishing is good up to the Cottonwood Bridge. Fishing is also good in the John Day arm but the boat ramp at the LePage Park may be closed temporarily for repaving. Please call Kelly Thomas, park supervisor, at 541-506-7819 for updated information on boat ramp status. Trout fishing is good in the upper river but will close Oct. 31.
I called them today they said it sould be open on the weekends..
hope so I have trips booked there 6,7.8th.
Had a banner day on the John Day today! My best day of fishing yet. Landed 4 steels, one of which was a fin-clipped, and by brother got his hatchery fish too and 7 nates landed. I also caught a couple big suckers and a Pike Minnow.

All fish caught under bobber and sand shrimp.

Word is that the weather is NOT going to be good there tomorrow though. High winds, 25-50mph. Be sure to check the weather reports before heading out.

Today was beautiful though :)

Pics to come tomorrow - check the Steelhead fishing area...
Congrats man! Sounds like an awesome day!
Info # for the john day boat ramp

Info # for the john day boat ramp

The phone number you can call for the ramp closure is 541-506-7819. This is a 24 hour number.Its automated and it states wether the ramp is operational. If you have any other questions. You can also leave a message and a ranger will return your call.
kirkster said:
The phone number you can call for the ramp closure is 541-506-7819. This is a 24 hour number.Its automated and it states wether the ramp is operational. If you have any other questions. You can also leave a message and a ranger will return your call.

Just called, and all parks are open and ready 'for all your recreational needs'. lol
I just fished there last week, think they are done now.
My buddy and I went out to cottonwood bridge this morning and fished for about seven hours up and down from the parking lot. I saw a really big steelie roll next to me first thing in the morning but no luck all day. We hiy some really good looking seams working the bank but no luck. I was drifting nymphs and wet flies and my buddy was drifting corky and yarn. I think we should have gone down a ways more. i think we were too high up stream. regardless, we had a blast!! what a beautiful river!

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