Steelhead question!

I was wondering when the steelhead run usually picks up in the sandy, clack,and willy. I also would like to know the differnt fish runs and times of the year they happen.Any info would be appreciated.
You are lucky seems like there are fish running through your neck of the woods year round. Winter steel, spring nooks, summer steel, fall nooks+coho,winter steel.... I think thats how it goes on the clack and sandy and I know for sure the willy gets the fairer weather fish. And then you got sturgeon....
I was wondering when the steelhead run usually picks up in the sandy, clack,and willy. I also would like to know the differnt fish runs and times of the year they happen.Any info would be appreciated.

The sandy is a year around system, you just have to be willing to work hard for them at certain times in the year.
Good runs

Good runs

I was wondering when the steelhead run usually picks up in the sandy, clack,and willy. I also would like to know the differnt fish runs and times of the year they happen.Any info would be appreciated.

Winter steelhead returning in large numbers | - News - Portland, Oregon | Outdoors Featured

Here is a link I found while reading the news. Sounds like you people on the West Side (will and or are) have a good run of fish this year. Good luck---Jack L..
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