Well-known member
So, if you could only fish 3 spinners 3 spoons and 3 misc devices for the rest of your life, what would they be?
Red and white 1# mepps algia spinner, Dark olive roostertail, and a yellow and black panthermartin with the gold blade.
spoons- Red and white with the gold back eppinger dardevle, pounded copper bare spoon, blue inserted gold pixie.
misc- triple teaser, white jig, orange and black hotshot
whats yours?
Red and white 1# mepps algia spinner, Dark olive roostertail, and a yellow and black panthermartin with the gold blade.
spoons- Red and white with the gold back eppinger dardevle, pounded copper bare spoon, blue inserted gold pixie.
misc- triple teaser, white jig, orange and black hotshot
whats yours?