Spring chinook this weekend...wish me luck !

hello everybody just letting you all now that me and my dad and one of his friends and my brother and my gf ! are ganna go test out the columbia river for some spring chinook action !!

man im i so so so so so excited its just the kind of thing i been waiting for !! my dad has been fighting cancer for the past couple weeks doing chemotherapy and just finished
chemo this past week ! and i just think there is nothing more better to do then to go fishing with my dad and family and friends :lol:
U might want to stay out of the Colombia since it's closed!!
The willy has been fishing nice from what I hear, maybe try that!
Yep. What they said. Better check your reg book before you head out. And I've seen good reports from the Willy.
ohh sorry about that but im from the warm springs reservation ! and the trible season starts here in a bit !!! sorry for the miss understanding !!
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You seem to be one of the lucky ones fortunate enough to fish when the rest of us are unable to. Good luck brother.
oky so a couple of ppl got there before we got down there at 600am and we was by the dallas dam but most ppl or trible member ppl where down by the bonnville dam ! we fished all day and did really good landed 5 springs chinooks and lost 4 ! overall it was really nice to see the springs chinook for the first time and what they look like and how big there size can get lol
i will try to get some pics up if i can !

ohh by the way what body of water are you guys taking about then you say the willy ??
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Usually refers to the Willamette River as it runs through Portland up to the falls at Oregon City.
Which has pollution warnings from the rain and runoff. I wouldn't fish the Willamette right now, but that's just me. The fish have to fight through raw sewage and industrial overflow just to get up river.

On a lighter note... the Columbia's been hitting strong out west. I was in Rainier this past weekend and contending with at least 200 people for a spot on the beach. The nice part?? LOTS of bells ringin' all day long.
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