split gas to Wilson

I'd be in for any other day this week. Tues. Wed? I have to tak emonday to stock the box before I can get back out.

I am on break until mid September so Ill be fishing a lot, so pretty much any day during the week Im in. Just let me know.

Im for sure going tomorrow, leave about 7.
I just got back from there a little awhile ago. Saw a few fish... Mostly seen a few snaggers. Water was low and clear I did manage to get a hook up floating a sandshrimp with no weight or any thing. Also had to hide so the fish wouldnt see me lol
What time are you leaving and planning on being back? I'm in Hillsboro on the way out of town. I was out there last Sunday but I don't know the spot to catch anything but a little tiny cutthroat! :)
What time are you leaving and planning on being back? I'm in Hillsboro on the way out of town. I was out there last Sunday but I don't know the spot to catch anything but a little tiny cutthroat! :)

I will be leaving at about 7 and coming home.....hmmm welll could be an all day thing...no telling

I should probably also mention that a large portion of the holes I fish are difficult to get to. tromping through blackberry, sliding down very steep hills(with the aid of a rope tied to my hitch) and obviously coming back up hill errr uh cliff.

oh and I like to fish a large portion of the river, so lots of moving from turnout to turnout.
wouldnt say all that good of a run compared to others, but there are a couple dozen fish in some of the holes and riffles from what I hear.
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