sorry guys

I have decided I will be using my fishing fund for my license on my GF for our one year anniversary. She is so good to me and she deserves something nice. Her ex rarely got her anything for any occasion and she told me today she really would love to have a 35mm camera. So when she goes fishing with me she can take beautiful pictures of the area and of my fish :cool: Our 1yr anniversary is april 25th thats right one day after Fish for the Cure! and my 6th month is up the day of fish for the cure. If anyone knows where I can get a real good camera for what she is wanting it for around 100 please let me know. I have about 40 dollars saved so far!

Hey bro good luck with everything. Here in medford i get some xtra money by donating blood plasma, i get about 50 bucks a week from doing it. Im not sure if they have it were u are from.
OK.. lets get this straight...
You are prepared to NOT get your fishing license so that you can get your gf a pressie???
You are willing to NOT fish for 6 months?

Dude this is a helluva sacrifice and you must be insane, really in love, or most probably both...

You will get rewarded in the afterlife for this (if there is one.. if there isn't.. you wont know)


But... why wait til then when you can have a brand spanking old camera right now???

I read your post and immediately ran to one of the storage bins and pulled something out that we havent used in years...

1- Nikon N2020AF (the manual is still there too)
2- Nikkor AF 35-105mm 1:3.5-4.5 Auto Zoom lens
3- Albinar Thyristor 90MDTZ auto flash
4- a case for it all.

Happy Anniversary... You get your license and she gets a camera

Now lets work out a way to get this to you.


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Thank you so much I sent you a pm. I had to tell the lady why I missed her call I was at a store looking at cameras lol Im speechless and she was in tears that I was willing to give up my fishing fund to get her a camera. Thank you so much.
That is awesome, and what a great camera too. I had one identical to it when I was heavy into photography in middle school and highschool, and it still works, but my cousin has it now, and I regret giving it to him lol. I miss the old 35mm's. They don't make 'em like that anymore, and digital just isn't the same.
Its going to be great! she will have a camera for fish for the cure and we are bringing her youngest son he is 11 with us so she will be able to take a nice picture of us fishing together :) and all of us also (the first us is her son and me fishing the second is all the offers :P )
You will need a lens cap, and caps for the body and rear of the lens (when removed.. so no dust gets in).
Best way to do this, when you get the camera, take it into a decent camera store and they will know what you will need... Buy them.. then wrap them separately.
Now... you give her the wrapped caps and tell her that its the start towards the camera she oh so dearly wants, then, just before you lose consciousness, point to the bag and tell her that goes with it too.
Growbug! I'm duly impressed. I love my old Canon Ftb 35mm and won't give it up even though I haven't used it in years. I never really learned to use the digital as well as the old 35.
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