Some fishing with TCO (video)

My partner in crime (kodiak) and I fishing the Alsea and EE Wilson.


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who hooks up on spinners? :rolleyes: No body I know:lol: They are all spinner fish. We hit that double almost in the exact same time and in the exact same spot.
Man thats some shallow water!

Nice fatty trout!
Why such big rods for E.E. Wilson???
Trying to get one of the surplus steelhead in there?


It was an abborted Alsea trip. We started running short on time and had some smaller spinners with us. We were there for about 2hrs and hit 9 fish. We smashed 'em. not bad for a quick little trip.

Quick tip...Longer rods spooled with lite line will help you cast farther with smaller gear to reach fish that are typically out of reach.
cake head

cake head

I actually joined the forum to comment on cakes buckethead comment....the bad thing about all blog forums is that it enables dinks to make rude comments with no repurcussions....If you made the same comment in would probably be eating knuckles soon after...bad manners...cowardly move


Poor guy said he meant no offense and I have a fairly thick hide. I thank one and all for looking out for me. Without constructive critisim my vids won't get any better, let alone OFF's reputation as aforum where we can express ourselves without being harassed like other places. I can appreciate the steelies were boots (both dark fish), and the trout were good size stalkers, but hey we fish what we have access to. I'm sure Cake by this time is thourghly apologetic and trying to wave a white flag.....Although I would like to say this....:tongue:.....I can go back to being a grownup now.
Welcome to the site..

Welcome to the site..

I actually joined the forum to comment on cakes buckethead comment....the bad thing about all blog forums is that it enables dinks to make rude comments with no repurcussions....If you made the same comment in would probably be eating knuckles soon after...bad manners...cowardly move

Welcome to OFF, not a bad first post way to step up :clap: nice to have you here...feel free to sniff around and find your little area. Again, a very big WELCOME!!!

Oh, you guys....

Oh, you guys....

I resemble that remark...I have a buckethead. However when I wear a hat people tend not to notice as much.

You know, I was going to take the high ground and stay out of this one and just let you fellers slug it out. :naughty: But you caught me by surprise with your admission. Which also cracked me up btw. :lol: Now that I think about it, I certainly hope he wasn't making a crack about those of us who are "dentally challenged". :shock: :naughty: Maybe that would be "bucket mouth"? :confused: Hmmm, now I'm not sure. :think: Let me know how this all turns out,will you? :) I have a pontoon to buy goodies for. :D :dance: Be safe.
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