Solunar Calendar, Tide Tables, Baro Pressure to predict good fishing

How many of you guys/gals use the Solunar Calendar, to help predict the best dates to go fishing? And, do using these calendars really help (are they correct)?

How about the Dot's Fishing Guide Tide Tables? Do they work as well, better, or not a good for predictions?

How about tracking Barometric readings, to predict the best fishing day? Does that work?

Does anyone use any other scientific measurements as prediction indicators?
Im not too sure if it helps or not. I am familiar with the calanders and even look at the one on the Farmers Almanac every so often. At our beach house we have an old barometric pressure gauge, but have never though about tracking it to see if there was a corrilation with my luck fishing.
once for a whole commercial halibut season we compared the days fishing to the dots guide.... suprisingly accurate. I use the tides and luner table in respect to what im fishing and were... but never to decide if im going, if you crab or clam it is a priceless piece of info to have.
fishtales said:
Im not too sure if it helps or not. I am familiar with the calanders and even look at the one on the Farmers Almanac every so often. At our beach house we have an old barometric pressure gauge, but have never though about tracking it to see if there was a corrilation with my luck fishing.
the barometer and dryfly fishing go together like peas and carrots... the best dryfly fishing I have ever had was 3 times when a thunderstorm was rolling in, you just have to know when to get off the water!
I haven't used it since I've been steelheading but when I used to catfish back east I noticed a definite correlation between bursts of fishing activity and when the Solunar calendar said I should catch fish.
So far, I have done pretty good using the Dot's Tide Tables as an indicator of prime fishing times. And, I've heard about barometric pressure changes affecting the "bite".

I have only started experimenting w/ the Solunar Tables. So far, it doesn't seem to be all that accurate. However, I do plan to keep observing that information and see how it helps.

Thanks for posting your comments guys!
Solunar we very high yesterday and there were around 25 hookups out of 16 boats... this was on the sandy with the steelheaders.. even with the VERY high fishing pressure still a good bite.. for what it's worth..
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