Snagger group

ok so here is the situation (not a real one) it has happend to me many times and my dad told me to just leave em alone so they dont mess with us. you see a bunch of punks cussing and laughing snagging fish after fish and keeping them. it's only that group of people and you on the river.. do you tell them to stop,go up to your car and call state police or do you just keep fishing while they snag every fish in the hole? ive sat around and watched people snag fish and the people around them seem like they dont give a rats ass and then i have to be the one to call a game warden or go to the hatchery and get someone to bust them..don't get me wrong it's a good deed but i don't like having to talk to a trooper for half an hour while he says he has to witness the snagging to ticket the jerks. there has only been a few times that i have got a trooper or hatchery personel out to the spot in time before th snaggers leave with a butt load of illegal fish. so the question is..what would you do?

Here is what I would do, you know... hypothetically speaking:

Take that new fly rod up to the middle fork of the willamette. Not only will you see no snaggers, you will hardly ever see anyone at all. Just fish, and beautiful water, and fish. Then, you will never, ever have random musings about snaggers, at 9:30, on a Thursday ever again.
this wasn't about my issues,it was just asking you guys what you would do in this siuation. not what i should do because im tired of snaggers. infact where i plan on fly fishing i never see snaggers because wardens stop at it a lot. good advice though,the middle fork sounds peaceful

Call the snagger hotline. If you want you can video tape them as well. Video evidence for game wardens of the people snagging. I personally dont put up with it. And what are they gunna do to you? The state police are already on thier way.
i remember i was below the ten shed hole on the salmon river. where the log jam is. the river is not very wide but it's deep and you can't see the fish. i was plunking with a pink corkie like i always do and a couple guys start shouting snagger as they are jerking their stuff across the bottom attepting to snag anything they can, so i said im not snagging im plunking you jerks. and my dad tells them to back off and of course they start smart ass stuff. then comes the ass beating from my beast of an uncle LOL. they left that spot in 2.4 secs after that. thats when i started calling the cops on snaggers. when they started accusing me of snagging. and i found out bhow much fish a snagger can catch in an hour.. i was 1 and even smaller then i am now so i admit i was real peepeeed but scared of them . but i do know this. i'm not scared to tell someone off anymore..because that will just put em im the back of a police car if they touch me.
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I would call the snaggers hotline, get some video evidence. make sure the cops are on the way, then pull out your pistol and put them on citizens arrest. I dunno what to do it always depends on the situation presented.
Barb, aka raincatcher is gonna wash your mouth with soap boy ;)

We've all gone round and round the merry go round on the topic of snaggets. The bottom line is if you don't report it, you can't complain about nothing being done.
i blame andy if i get shot LOL. and my dad has put a few crazy fishermen under citizens arrest back in the day. they tried to fight him and they got beat up and held down on the cold shore of the river until osp arrived. im not big enough to do that but i can pull a knife on someone? LOL.. anyways i think ill bring a camera with me just not gunna be one of those jerks that scout the whole river with a camera catching snaggers . LOL..speaking those guys..i had a guy that was hding in the bushes across the river thinking nobody could see him and he was completely guy kept casting a spinner at his face XD and of you kind peeps have the snaggers hotline number..ill add it to the cell phone thanks,

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everyone who fishes even the snaggers have it....well most of both have it. it on every liscense/tag you buy on the back. never hurts to read the fine print.
ok so here is the situation (not a real one) it has happend to me many times and my dad told me to just leave em alone so they dont mess with us. you see a bunch of punks cussing and laughing snagging fish after fish and keeping them. it's only that group of people and you on the river.. do you tell them to stop,go up to your car and call state police or do you just keep fishing while they snag every fish in the hole? ive sat around and watched people snag fish and the people around them seem like they dont give a rats ass and then i have to be the one to call a game warden or go to the hatchery and get someone to bust them..don't get me wrong it's a good deed but i don't like having to talk to a trooper for half an hour while he says he has to witness the snagging to ticket the jerks. there has only been a few times that i have got a trooper or hatchery personel out to the spot in time before th snaggers leave with a butt load of illegal fish. so the question is..what would you do?


call me ignorant, but i wouldnt let such activities pass in the waters i fish......... in other words give em hell! i remember a day when i had seen people snagging bass off beds witch is utterly effed up to do to any fish, PERIOD... you can catch and release them off beds with no harm done but to snag a spawning fish out of frustration is LAME, i have never seen it happen without not saying something... almost always after mentioning it they leave but it doesn't really solve the problem, one of these days i will show em haha. i remember a while back there were a couple drunk guys on the bank just surrounded by garbage floating or in the bushes one guy was cleaning out his backpack and throwing paper in the trees at the ponds....... i hate that stuff.
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call me ignorant, but i wouldnt let such activities pass in the waters i fish......... in other words give em hell! i remember a day when i had seen people snagging bass off beds witch is utterly effed up to do to any fish, PERIOD... you can catch and release them off beds with no harm done but to snag a spawning fish out of frustration is LAME, i have never seen it happen without not saying something... almost always after mentioning it they leave but it doesn't really solve the problem, one of these days i will show em haha. i remember a while back there were a couple drunk guys on the bank just surrounded by garbage floating or in the bushes one guy was cleaning out his backpack and throwing paper in the trees at the ponds....... i hate that stuff.

people who snag spawning fish need to get hook in the butt and dragged around on a rocky shore for 30 minutes
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