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I fished the Wilson on Sunday from about 10:00 till 2:00 without any success. I fished 3 spots during the 4 hours. I saw one steelhead and tried to get it to eat a pink worm without success. I am not sure if the fish I saw was a winter returning or a summer. I am pretty sure it was a steelhead since it was sitting in a about 4' of water that had some current. I tried both jigs and pink worms under a bobber during the day. It was a beautiful day - except for the lack of slippery, slimy company
This was my fist attempt at bobber and jig fishing for steelhead and so I have a question or two. When approaching a drift do you fish bottom up or top down? How far up into the fast water at the head do you make your first cast if starting from the op? How many casts do you make into a run before moving on? I tried to be pretty methodical and cover the runs thoroughly by moving my casts around. I also adjusted my depth constantly by lowering the jig till it was ticking the bottom and then lifting it a foot or so. This seems to make sense to me, but I am not sure if this is the best approach. Any general tips?

This was my fist attempt at bobber and jig fishing for steelhead and so I have a question or two. When approaching a drift do you fish bottom up or top down? How far up into the fast water at the head do you make your first cast if starting from the op? How many casts do you make into a run before moving on? I tried to be pretty methodical and cover the runs thoroughly by moving my casts around. I also adjusted my depth constantly by lowering the jig till it was ticking the bottom and then lifting it a foot or so. This seems to make sense to me, but I am not sure if this is the best approach. Any general tips?