Skunked at Hagg :(


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I hit Hagg yesterday (Sunday) I trolled for trout for 7 hours. I had 3 solid hits (you can watch them in about a minute) and no fish to the kayak.

I talked to one fellow who caught 4, another caught 1 and I saw one back angler with one. Other than that no one I spoke with had caught anything. So I guess it seemed pretty slow overall, and not just me sucking :)
They are supposed to stock it soon but with the ton of rain we are supposed to get this week I imagine it will be a powerbait only show for a while.
Wow. It's pretty rare when you get skunked. It was stocked, a week before last (if memory serves). So I'd have thought it would've been more productive.
@troutdude I agree that the fish are usually nicer to me but I did catch a few trophy sticks during the day : )

They stocked 1000 brooders 2 weeks ago. The big spring stocking is this week.
Got some infamous stick fish did ya? LOL

Hagg will get 12,000 planters this week. But they will all be "legal" size (which I call dinks). ;-)
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