Skinny water nook

Me and gloomis85 hit the coast Monday and Tuesday in hopes of finding some fresh fish that came in on the higher tides we have been having lately. Sure enough we stumbled into a few. The first day was a fish N mission as we only landed 1 mint bright hen around 10lbs. catch & release then spent the rest of the day covering ground and networking. Day two I decided to bring my wife along and get her on a chromer as well. Morning went off with out a hitch and by 8:30 A.M. the boys had landed 1 a piece. The bites were very subtle and hard to detect so I was worried my wife would have trouble hooking up. She stayed determined and motivated and wound up hooking into a beautifull 20+ lb. chrome bright hen that unfortunately she lost into a wood pile after a lengthy battle that I already considered a done deal. She did every thing her self that day from tying up her own rig/bait after I showed her too battleing out the ferocious beast. Not bad for her first time drift fishing. As for the rest of the days stats loomis and I hooked and lost 5 fish and I popped off 2 foul hooked ones. Last of which snapped back and shot me 1" above the nipple with a small split shot. Glad it wasn't my eye. Next time i'll remember to turn my head at least. Everybody got a good kick out of it glad I could be that guy.
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nice job!
Where the heck were you folks.

Looks like fun, fun, fun !!

Nice job!
Awesome fish guys!

... he's not one of those people who leave the plastic wrap on the cork is he...?:lol:
Nice fish man!!!
Lol...A Loomis dont come with plastic on the handle, however the price tag stays on until I land a nice fish with it. So yea that was the first chrome my new setup had seen and first time on the water with it. Figured I would hear something about that tag, jawjacker always has something to say when I get a new gloomis rod.
haha thats funny. Sounds like it proved its self well!

Nice fish!
Nice freakin' fish! Love the pics.
Way nice fish guys !
Way to go, sounds like a blast.
Those are some real chromers. Good job.
very nice fishes indeed
nice work man, nice fish!
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