Siuslaw sucked ! And I'm changing my main method.

Hit the slaw tidewater again today. 5 dozen sandshrimp , 1 jar of fire cured eggs, 4 containers of store bought eggs, tons of scent.....0 fish.:confused: Had one on on a k 15 grinch Kwikfish ( unwrapped ) but it didn't stay on long. And had another good smack on a kwik. Did not see or hear of any others caught. Even two guides with nothing. I did come away with something though....i have came to the realization that i don't like burning up bait. Even if you get a fish or two....burning up $30 worth of bait seems like a waste. If i ever fish eggs again they will only be from fish i caught and only used on upriver springers. Trolling spinners or Kwiks from here on out.
Sounds like solid reasoning for tidewater.
Sounds like our day on the Alsea Sunday... one reason I hate tidewater fishing. It seems at least upriver you can always manage one fish some way or another, but sometimes those tide fish just close their damn mouths.
that sucks, i hear your pain for that was how it was on saturday on the 'slaw, had 2 take down but no fish then on sunday we got 2 fat/fresh hen nooks on the outgoing tide pulling sardines
If you want to change it up, I would suggest hitting the upper tide/lower river area. And if you can time it with the next rain it should be real nice. I love back boucning or back trolling eggs/shrimp/kwiks right into all the fish moving into the river. But bobber an eggs is still my go too.

I would also suggest bringin tuna and garlic scents. Some reason when nothin else works they slam those.
Eggs scents

Eggs scents

I know that there is all this stuff about this cure, that cure, scents ect but i think the most important thing is location and timing. Me and my cousin were talking about " we should have been here when it was raining or before ..." I think the people that nail fish on a consistent basis and get limits are there during the right time. Also we talked to several old timers that live/camp down there and they ALWAYS troll. And they are the ones that always have bright fish. I know a lot of guides that do the bobber and egg thing but they have LOTS of good eggs/shrimp. I have been doing it long enough and have caught ( and got skunked) enough to know there is NO golden key to nailing salmon/steelhead. I would rather stick to a technique that i like ( and that doesn't burn up expensive bait ) trolling plugs spinners and throwing spinners then doing something i find boring....when the bite is on, its on. Egg cures and scents be damned. I know the people that make egg cures and scents don't want us to know that. Its all good...i think i found the holy grail or zen of fishing : Use the technique you like the most and enjoy what you are doing regardless of how well you do. Im done with the " gotta get another one" phase.
Amen to that. There comes a time in your life where it stops becoming about how many fish you can catch. You start fishing the way you want to fish, whether that leads to fish or not. I'd rather sleep in, fish by myself for 10 fish. Then to wake up at 2am, fight the crowds to fish at 1000 fish.
Yeah i do what i lie to do because i like it but also because it works. too many ways to fish to be able to do/afford to do them all.
cobias said:
I know that there is all this stuff about this cure, that cure, scents ect but i think the most important thing is location and timing. Me and my cousin were talking about " we should have been here when it was raining or before ..." I think the people that nail fish on a consistent basis and get limits are there during the right time. Also we talked to several old timers that live/camp down there and they ALWAYS troll. And they are the ones that always have bright fish. I know a lot of guides that do the bobber and egg thing but they have LOTS of good eggs/shrimp. I have been doing it long enough and have caught ( and got skunked) enough to know there is NO golden key to nailing salmon/steelhead. I would rather stick to a technique that i like ( and that doesn't burn up expensive bait ) trolling plugs spinners and throwing spinners then doing something i find boring....when the bite is on, its on. Egg cures and scents be damned. I know the people that make egg cures and scents don't want us to know that. Its all good...i think i found the holy grail or zen of fishing : Use the technique you like the most and enjoy what you are doing regardless of how well you do. Im done with the " gotta get another one" phase.

A good friend of mine is a guide down in the Tillamook basin. He does phenomenally in all sections of the basin because he knows what to do and where to be. He often pulls spinners in tide water with great success. The time to do this is the last 2 hours of outgoing tide and the first our of incoming. At this time the fish are concentrated in the channel. If you tried this technique during high tide you'd be chasing the same amount of fish spread out through a larger quantity of water.

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