Siuslaw salmon report

DB Crouper
We left Eugene at 5:10 AM, heading to the Tiernan boat launch between Mapleton and Florence on the Siuslaw. The trip was uneventful, and we arrived at the launch at 6:15 AM. There was one boat in line in front of us, but they were afraid to launch in the dark, so told us to go ahead of them. Those of you who know Tiernan, know that it takes the whole launch area to pull your boat ahead before backing down to launch. With their boat in the staging area, I had to go around them on the left, which gave me too little room to straighten the 20' sled, and back down the curved launch. After about 4 back and forth jockeying maneuvers, I finally was able to jackknife the boat down the narrow launch( not happy at this point).
Eventually I got the trailer into the water, but could not see much in my mirrors, as we had a canopy, and the pickup was not in a straight position. It was almost low tide, and the ramp was extremely flat, and I backed down until the trailer tires were submerged. When Rick tried to drive off the trailer, the anchor nest (aluminum cut to hold a rock anchor) caught on the bow roller, locking him onto the trailer. At this point, in the dark, Tobe went up front to try to dislodge the hooked anchor nest from the bow roller, while Rick continued reverse power. The boat shifted, and Tobe's middle finger on his left hand was caught between the anchor nest and the bow roller, virtually ripping it wide open to the first 2 knuckles down, with bones crushed and tissue shredded, and nail nonexistant. Blood was every where, and Tobe's first remark was, "We got blood in the boat and it's only 6:30."
We got the boat back on the trailer, and headed for the emergency room in Florence. It's a very nice little hospital. As they took Tobe away, I heard him say to the doctor, " Just wack it off and sew me up. We got fishing to do!" It was too gruesome to even look at. Rick and I made plans to get Tobe and his pickup back home in Eugene, and had all the details worked out. At 8:15 AM Tobe came to the waiting room with a bandaged club of a left hand and said "Let's go fishing!"
We're saying no way, and he's saying the doctor made an appointment with a hand specialist and a plastic surgeon in Eugene at 4:30 this afternoon, and told him he could go fishing, only if he wouldn't fish. We verified his claims with the doctor, they gave him some pain pills, and we headed to the launch in Florence. You can't argue with a 70 year old tougher than nails fisherman.
We headed up to the Dairy Hole, dragging plug cut, and caught a 12 pound and 16 pound salmon in 3 hours of fishing. We had to practically strap Tobe down to keep him from trying to clean his dried blood from the boat. It's doubtful they will be able to save his finger, but, as Tobe said when we parted, " I'm 70 years old, and I've got nine more. That's pretty good odds!"
And that's why I'm naming my next dog "Tobe".

Here's me and Tobe in Elk camp last month. Also, my 12 pound buck. (seems unimportant)
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One tough SOB, sounds like.
I'd buy Tobe a beer for sure. heck of a guy!
WOW. I guess it could have been much worse. And as C_Run said, "One tough SOB".
Now that, ladies and gents, is a tried and true fisherman! The next round, is on the house. And I tip my hat and raise my glass to Tobe!

BTW, I would not want to tangle with Tobe's soon-to-be namesake either.
What a sorry to hear of his injury, but he sounds very impressive......hope his recovery goes well and he can be out fishin again soon....sounds like he will be come Hades or high water.
Holy shirt!!! I hate tiernan when retards make it difficult, I woulda lost my mind. What a tough freakin' dude. Unbelievable. Hopefully he got dr movassaghi for the plastic surgeon, he specializes in hands, the best in Eugene.
Got news on Tobe. IF he will scrub his mangled finger(OUCH!) every day for 3 weeks, and it doesn't get infected, they will either try a skin graft from his palm, or slit open an adjacent finger and sew the damaged finger inside the healthy finger(YIKES!) for three weeks in an effort to save the finger. He's tough enough to do the scrubbing, so keep your fingers crossed (bad pun). Jeanna, I will ask him tomorrow who his Dr. is. Thanks for the input. :pray::pray::pray:
Ya know I see bad injuries all the time, literally almost daily...but I don't know that I could stomach seeing sewing the finger up inside the adjacent finger. Good god man that sounds so freaking horrible. I would just as soon say chop it off if it was mine, I couldn't handle it lol. Hoping it heals well for him and he doesn't have to share fingers.
Ive seen a lot of mangled fingers from working in mills, the ones that dont get lopped off usually cause problems down the road. I dont think ive ever worked with another millwright that had a partially removed/ mangled finger that doesn't complain about the pain, and aching in that finger during winter when out in the cold.
What a bummer, Glad to hear it sounds like the prognosis is as positive as it can be at this point....Good job on making the best out of a bad situation....
That's one tough dude. I hope it works out for the best! Good that you guys picked up some fish for the effort.
Damn!!! Tougher than nails for sure!

Good luck Tobe!!! Keep those fingers clean!

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