
Stayed on Siltcoos Fri-Sun and fished Saturday and Sunday morning. Only fished the lake for coho two other times so still learning it. Fishing seemed slow based off of what the sheriff told us and other fishers reports. We didn’t catch anything other then dinky bass and sunfish. Mainly fished the river which seemed to be where where everyone else was fishing. Me and my buddy always seem to have the worst timing with our fishing trips! Either we are too early or too late! Oh well that’s fishing I guess.
you were too early, dam hasn't been opened yet, just some early 'fish ladder coho' have moved through so far, main run should happen soon.

FYI on the river- if it's moving, the dam is open and you should fish it. if it's not moving, head for one of the spawning arms or the north east shoreline.
Yesterday 3 jacks and 1 (large jack) adult. we also released 1 jack and 1 SRC.
I haven’t made it out there in a few weeks, but from what I’ve heard fishing has been slow and the dam is closed back up. I hear there are lots of jacks, though.
Yesterday 3 jacks and 1 (large jack) adult. we also released 1 jack and 1 SRC.View attachment 640317
this is the second report of an oversize jack, which is great confirmation of good ocean conditions (big fat SRC also good sign).

I released this 23" 'jack' (after quickly passing it in front of my GoPro) back on Oct24. I say 'jack' based on the smaller head/tail, which I assume you guys also saw on your fish.


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