Silltcoos produces a few

Here you go anatoly i will from now on double post when not starting a new thread if i am adding photos to an ongoing discusion so they will become top page eligible.
I got a 18" jack in the outlet first thing on a plug. then explored the lake a bit. Seen a fish caught by a guide up fiddle. Tryed casting spinners up there but no luck. Heard of only 1 up maple when we got there but seen 1 first hand after the report. Hit the river again and I got my 29" on the free bridge pink on my casting rod. It was fun. Bfishin used the lure and got a 30"+ and lost it. Then got a 24" on the pink. No more action for the day. Seen a nice adult caught on the bank. River is flowing but water level was down a bit.
Fished the river a bit then the lake and ended up in the maple arm. Seen a few caught so we stuck around. got one one the notorious pink. tried the fiddle arm and then the outlet and decided to go to tak. not sure if we would have got more if we stayed but tak didn't produce.

Weather man was wrong both days.
You don't need to double post. Your photo report is very good. It deserves to be a separate thread. I feel like I was there after reading it. :clap: If you want to mention it in some other thread, just put a link to your report in that thread. ;)

I have a question for you about jacks. Jacks are salmon that returns in a river in 1 year?
You don't need to double post. Your photo report is very good. It deserves to be a separate thread. I feel like I was there after reading it. :clap: If you want to mention it in some other thread, just put a link to your report in that thread. ;)

I have a question for you about jacks. Jacks are salmon that returns in a river in 1 year?

I guess we are both confused. This is a separate thread i made from post in the sitcoos and takanitch thread jeanna started. i have been putting all my siltcoos info and pics there. I thought you said i had to make a new thread a post pics for them to be top page eligable. If i can just add a post and some pics be it post number 1 in a thread or post number 1000 and still have the pics be posible to be top page candidates then i will just add the posts where they need to go. if not i will report in the correct section and then make a new thread with the same info and pics. As for salmon and jacks. I'm not an expert but i believe salmon live about 5 years out at sea then return to spawn. a jack witch i assume are all males, had the urge to spawn early so came back after about 3 but maybe even 2. really small jacks wouldn't suprise me if they we only 1 year but not an expert on the situation. And coho jacks are under 20" were a chinook jack is i think 24" or 28" but would have to read the regs again because of my bad memory and inexperience. wild coho jacks you have to tag and count for your yearly were as chinook im am uncertain. pretty sure you dont have to tag them but maybe you do if they are wild. and you can get 5 a day for chinook but a wild might be a wild card of some kind. regs are hard to understand i just try to remember and check them before a trip to somewhere were i am unsure.
Nice pics and nice fish. With that being said I have to ask what is this top page thing? I most have missed something.
I have a question for you about jacks. Jacks are salmon that returns in a river in 1 year?

I don't know how old these coho jacks are that enter the lakes but if they're between 15" - 20", you can keep one a day without tagging it. Jacks are immature males and Henriettas are immature females. The limit is 5 a year for Siltcoos and also 5 a year for Tahkenitch.
I don't know how old these coho jacks are that enter the lakes but if they're between 15" - 20", you can keep one a day without tagging it. Jacks are immature males and Henriettas are immature females. The limit is 5 a year for Siltcoos and also 5 a year for Tahkenitch.

No you have to tag a jack from those 2 lakes and it counts as 1 of your 5. Unless they made a change to the rules and i dont know about it. Nad you can only get two fish in one day if you get the jack first.
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I talked to an ODFW agent about that and he said you're allowed 1 jack a day between 15"-20" and in addition to a coho. No yearly limit on jacks. :D
Interesting, I was under the impression you had to tag the jacks but could still fish for an adult after getting a jack. Got this guy yesterday and he was right at 20". No action for the rest of the day, heard of a few caught but overall seemed slow on the lake.
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Good looking fish. Some good eating there. I'm going to try my luck hopefully Wednesday. I'm gonna have to double check on the regulations tomorrow.
You are allowed 5 native coho a year period. jacks are tagged. now if you were fishing the umpqua and got a clipped coho jack i think it might be a different story. So heres the thing if its exatly 20" its an adult and you can't fish for the rest of the day. and a jack can be under 15".
You are allowed 5 native coho a year period. jacks are tagged. now if you were fishing the umpqua and got a clipped coho jack i think it might be a different story. So heres the thing if its exatly 20" its an adult and you can't fish for the rest of the day. and a jack can be under 15".

You are allowed 10 native cohos per year, 5 from Siltcoos and 5 from Tahkenitch. Jacks are NOT tagged. If the fish is 20" and bigger, then its considered an adult (has to be tagged).

You might want to give these two guys a call, they're pretty reliable. I just don't want people to get in trouble or waste their tags on jacks that's all. I'm not trying to be right.:):)

Arthur at ODFW Newport
(541) 867-4741

Jeff Jackson at Action Jacksons Guide Service
He works with the fish biologists in Florence
(541) 268-6944
Ok thanks man i will look into it I have only fished the lakes this year but I thought that your 5 wild coho was statewide for the year no matter were. Its not like I can go to reedsport in the morning and get 5 jack chinook and then 2 adults all hatchery fish. and then finish off my day florence and get another nook with a fin. I will deffinantly be reaseaching the regs a bit. But jeanna started fishing it back when they would check fish at the ramp when they first reopened the lakes to fishing when they had a quota. And talked to several of the rule making authorities back then and i doubt the have changed much. But heres an example. you are allowed 5 trout a day 2 daily limits in poss. that doest mean you can keep 10 in a day just have 10 on you at any given time. also you can't go around and get 5 here 5 there 5 in the river 5 in the lake than go get 5 in another lake and stop and get 5 from the pond......... and come home with any more than 5 for 1 days worth of fishing.
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Ok thanks man i will look into it I have only fished the lakes this year but I thought that your 5 wild coho was statewide for the year no matter were. Its not like I can go to reedsport in the morning and get 5 jack chinook and then 2 adults all hatchery fish. and then finish off my day florence and get another nook with a fin. I will deffinantly be reaseaching the regs a bit. But jeanna started fishing it back when they would check fish at the ramp when they first reopened the lakes to fishing when they had a quota. And talked to several of the rule making authorities back then and i doubt the have changed much. But heres an example. you are allowed 5 trout a day 2 daily limits in poss. that doest mean you can keep 10 in a day just have 10 on you at any given time. also you can't go around and get 5 here 5 there 5 in the river 5 in the lake than go get 5 in another lake and stop and get 5 from the pond......... and come home with any more than 5 for 1 days worth of fishing.

No, it will say in the regs for trout in lakes example, 5 trout per day 2 daily limits in posession, that means if you were camping or whatever you can have 10 trout but of the 10, only 5 may be from any single day fishing. Streams, creeks, and rivers can all have different bag limits and some will argue that they are in conjunction with lake limits meaning, you catch 5 trout at the lake and go home and drop them off, then you head to your local river and catch a limit for that body of water. I don't see anything wrong there because they are different water entirely.

For the Jack salmon: under 20" no tag. 20" and over is considered an adult and must be tagged and will count towards the daily/consecutive/seasonal limit for all bodies of water. This is to say that if you catch and tag a limit in the lake or bay, you may not tag or retain any more adult fish of that species or quota from any other body of water. The actual adult salmon limits I believe differ greatly for your area than for mine and so I wont go in to numbers, rather I will stick with the latest interpretation from ODWF. Hope this sheads a little light on the subject.
No, it will say in the regs for trout in lakes example, 5 trout per day 2 daily limits in posession, that means if you were camping or whatever you can have 10 trout but of the 10, only 5 may be from any single day fishing. Streams, creeks, and rivers can all have different bag limits and some will argue that they are in conjunction with lake limits meaning, you catch 5 trout at the lake and go home and drop them off, then you head to your local river and catch a limit for that body of water. I don't see anything wrong there because they are different water entirely.

For the Jack salmon: under 20" no tag. 20" and over is considered an adult and must be tagged and will count towards the daily/consecutive/seasonal limit for all bodies of water. This is to say that if you catch and tag a limit in the lake or bay, you may not tag or retain any more adult fish of that species or quota from any other body of water. The actual adult salmon limits I believe differ greatly for your area than for mine and so I wont go in to numbers, rather I will stick with the latest interpretation from ODWF. Hope this sheads a little light on the subject.

Exactly so 5 a year means 5 a year not 5 a year from everywhere you can keep 5. I mostly agree with the trout thing but going home and dropping of fish to keep fishing. If it was legal wouln't you just keep the fish with you. I always thought it was wierd that you had to tag a wild jack coho since you dont have to tag jack chinooks but on a bodie of water where they had it closed for a while then opened it up to only 5 a year it made sense that you had to tag a jack. Maybe I was taught the rules wrong but I now for sure that once you fill you salmon quota from anybody of water you can't go fish a different body of water and fill your limit and keep going to another body of water. next time i see the patrol on the lake i will ask them the regs since they are out inforcing them they should know best.
Exactly so 5 a year means 5 a year not 5 a year from everywhere you can keep 5. I mostly agree with the trout thing but going home and dropping of fish to keep fishing. If it was legal wouln't you just keep the fish with you. I always thought it was wierd that you had to tag a wild jack coho since you dont have to tag jack chinooks but on a bodie of water where they had it closed for a while then opened it up to only 5 a year it made sense that you had to tag a jack. Maybe I was taught the rules wrong but I now for sure that once you fill you salmon quota from anybody of water you can't go fish a different body of water and fill your limit and keep going to another body of water. next time i see the patrol on the lake i will ask them the regs since they are out inforcing them they should know best.

Yeah 5 a year means 5 a year period on any salmon / steelhead quota for the specific zone and water body you are fishing.

The trout thing is different, you would drop your lake limit off at home and then go to the river to catch that limit because if you were inspected at the river or after leaving the river you would be over limit for that body of water for that daily limit (even though it is fairly easy to see which trout came from a lake). It is a good idea to ask the patrol next time you see them. Wheather you were tought the rules wrong or not, you will always do well to look at things from the conservation side (when in doubt, realease).

Tight lines.
Here you go anatoly i will from now on double post when not starting a new thread if i am adding photos to an ongoing discusion so they will become top page eligible.
I got a 18" jack in the outlet first thing on a plug. then explored the lake a bit. Seen a fish caught by a guide up fiddle. Tryed casting spinners up there but no luck. Heard of only 1 up maple when we got there but seen 1 first hand after the report. Hit the river again and I got my 29" on the free bridge pink on my casting rod. It was fun. Bfishin used the lure and got a 30"+ and lost it. Then got a 24" on the pink. No more action for the day. Seen a nice adult caught on the bank. River is flowing but water level was down a bit.
Fished the river a bit then the lake and ended up in the maple arm. Seen a few caught so we stuck around. got one one the notorious pink. tried the fiddle arm and then the outlet and decided to go to tak. not sure if we would have got more if we stayed but tak didn't produce.

Weather man was wrong both days.

Those are some Reel Beauties Bro.

Great Job.


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