Well, that really doesn't answer my question but I guess it helps. I have regular sickle jig hooks, light wire, that I want to tie steelhead jigs with. If they are not heavy enough then I won't use them for steelhead and salmon. I will wait for the barbarian VMC jig hooks which should be plenty strong enough for anything. But until I see the difference myself I am only getting stuff ready to TRY sickle hooks. They would have to have a pretty high land rate for me to switch considering I have about a 90% land to hook up rate now using regular old Eagle Claw Octopus/Beak hooks and EC 630 jig hooks.
I have heard that the light sickle jig hooks in size 1 and 2 are being used for steelhead with some success. Anyone have any success with the light wire jig hooks and not ones designed for steelhead and salmon?