Running the outboard out of gas?

Does anybody else pull the fuel going to the motor at the end of the day? I heard this will help with gummy residue fouling up the carb?

Yep....................since 1980 i've disconnected the fuel hose from motor & let the motor run out of gas in the water....................when i'm a gettin' ready to head on home............................:D

sometimes i run the boat onto the trailer with the transom mounted lectric trollin' motor.................:D
Have can,will travel

Have can,will travel

Draining the fuel sounds like a good idea,I'll try it. But, Hawk, I would be afraid of what the ranger would do and say if I was caught dumping it in the water. Would the fuel in the water pollute the water? Or would it dissipate/evaporate within a few minutes? Please educate me,I have another use in mind for that coffee can...;)
you do not let the gas go into the water! You just pull the fuel line going to the motor and thats it, the fuel does not leak anywhere.


Raincatcher said:
Draining the fuel sounds like a good idea,I'll try it. But, Hawk, I would be afraid of what the ranger would do and say if I was caught dumping it in the water. Would the fuel in the water pollute the water? Or would it dissipate/evaporate within a few minutes? Please educate me,I have another use in mind for that coffee can...;)
the outboard continues to run and the eventually no gas = no running motor


that is exactly right - however if it is a 2-stroke it can be a chore to restart it sometimes - relpace your sparkplug (s) once a year - 4 strokes restart a lot easier since there is no oil involved in the combustion process -


:redface:Oh boy...I really need to drink more coffee before I start reading this forum! :doh: I can only guess that I missed a few key words...duh. :doh::doh: Sorry for even beginning to doubt you guys, I really am embarrassed. :redface::redface::redface::redface:
embarrassed you got nothing to be embarrassed. about:D


Raincatcher said:
:redface:Oh boy...I really need to drink more coffee before I start reading this forum! :doh: I can only guess that I missed a few key words...duh. :doh::doh: Sorry for even beginning to doubt you guys, I really am embarrassed. :redface::redface::redface::redface:
Running your outboard out of gas

Running your outboard out of gas

I have a new 150hp 4stroke Merc. Verado and a 9.9 4stroke Merc. kicker. I am told by the manufacture to yes run the gas out of the kicker after use when the boat might sit for awhile. However, to not run the 150hp Merc. of gas after use at any time. I do add Stabil to every fill-up.
Its the same as many vehicle companies reccomend:to drain or use gas until empty. We had a lawn mower and the instructions said to drain or use the gas until its empty. But lawnmowers, that would be a big hassle letting it run cause of the loooudddd noise it makes. Same with the oil too, but we never bothered to drain the mower. Its like :shock: in the middle of the night
Its the same as many vehicle companies reccomend:to drain or use gas until empty. We had a lawn mower and the instructions said to drain or use the gas until its empty. But lawnmowers, that would be a big hassle letting it run cause of the loooudddd noise it makes. Same with the oil too, but we never bothered to drain the mower. Its like :shock: in the middle of the night but we dont have a outboard or a boat motor, just a big raft(I WANT A MOTOR!!!):D:D:D
Wilsonriverfisher said:
Does anybody else pull the fuel going to the motor at the end of the day? I heard this will help with gummy residue fouling up the carb?


If you trailer it, talk to your manufacturer.
On a Honda, I was told to never trailer it with the float bowl empty.
The float was not intended to bounce around with every bump as it will damage it or the stem. It was designed to be suspended in fuel. If you use your boat regularily, and use treatments like ethanol treatment or stabilizer, it does not hurt to leave the fuel in the motor.
Only necessary when you store for long periods.
jeffg said:
I have a new 150hp 4stroke Merc. Verado and a 9.9 4stroke Merc. kicker. I am told by the manufacture to yes run the gas out of the kicker after use when the boat might sit for awhile. However, to not run the 150hp Merc. of gas after use at any time. I do add Stabil to every fill-up.

Is the 150 fuel injected? This may be why they say not to.
What is the Stabil for?
I run 92 octane non blended gas (no ethanol). Are you running blended fuel?


If you have a 2-stroke it is very important that you run it dry at the end of the day - even a few days with gas and oil in it will varnish the carb which equals a no start . On 4- strokes you can leave it in if you think you are going to go out again in say , a week or so. I have learned all this the hard way. As far as dry 2- strokes being hard to start , that's just the way it is ,
however new plugs with the proper gap can make it a lot easier. Also make sure that you are mixing your gas - oil ratio correctly. To little oil means a ruined engine and to much means a smoking hard to start engine with fouled plugs. Read your owners manual and do the mix as close as possible . You can also reduce your oil amount by using a high quality mixing oil , do not use the cheap stuff.
cchinook said:
You can also reduce your oil amount by using a high quality mixing oil , do not use the cheap stuff.
definitely. You may think you are saving $$$ buy using the cheap stuff but you will spend more in the long run by changing fouled plugs!
Ive got the answer!!!

Ive got the answer!!!

Ive got the answer, and its a no brainer.....

GO FISHING EVERY DAY!! dont let work get in the way, you have to have your priorities

I have always ran my 8 horse Honda dry, but not the v-tech 90 horse. The fuel injection does not like to be out of fuel very hard on them.
Agreed, FI engines do not like it when you run them dry. Stabil is worth the money. As far as 2-strokes go, what they said^^^^up there, quality is key. Run a synthetic if you can spare the bux. They are smokeless/ashless and have additives that help longevity of the fuel and combustion systems. (I was a small engine/marine mechanic for several years, like that means anything) I have been fond of Royal Purple products for quite some time and yes they are pricey, but much cheaper than a replacement engine. They make a lube/additive for everything now. Sorry to sound like a RP commercial. I just like the stuff.

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