roster tails or panther martin

dirtyd fishin
:think:you decide if what your favorite one is and put the post up and see wat ppl would rather use:think:
i like both but panther martins are an overall better spinner
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I vote for Rooster Tails.
always been a spoon or Mepps guy myself... but roostertails have caught me a lot of fish.. so have panthers, depends on where I am I guess.
roostertails. panthers are not bad but roostertails have way better size choices and color selections and have always got way more fish for me but i have caught my fair share on panthers. and roostertails dont cost a butt load for one spinner.
i agree with u brandon its too much for one panther martin hahaha
dirtyd fishin said:
i agree with u brandon its too much for one panther martin hahaha

panther martins are worth their money tho
thats true. i guess this is just a personal perference matter. i PREFER roostertails because thats what i grew up fishing and roostertails have colors pm dosen't but then again, roostertails dont have pm colors. they both have their ups and downs in different conditions. i usually just fish my homeade ones or roostertails thats about it.
I am possibly the worlds worst spinner fisherman so how's this, panther martin, cause I like the name better!!! Basically I weep like a baby when I loose a lure that's over 3$, multiple times in a day. That's almost equal to a tank of gas a cast!!! Haha.
I carry both in my arsenal, I really prefer rooster tails in faster water, the thinner blade really helps to keep the lure low, when I'm fishing calm, or very slow water the presentation of a panther seems to produce more fish
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i really like both
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