Roslyn lake???

Troutier Bassier
Active member
Did anyone used to fish at roslyn lake. I know they drained it:(:(:(:(:(:(:(

I never did fish there. I wanted to get some flys in there but never had the time too. And Has anyone ever had luck there??? At all.
I didn't fish there a lot just a few times a year. I only live about seven miles from the place. I used to go there often to jog around the lake. They had a trail that went around the lake that was about 2 and a half miles around. I would see a lot of folks fishing up there and would visit with a few of the older folks who were regulars. It was a power bait show mostly. They also planted excess steelhead in there from Cedar Creek Hatchery. It was always good fun to see some youngster catch one of those steelhead plants. Sometimes I'd be the only person up there and have that view of Mt Hood all to myself. In February the eagles would show up for a little fishing of their own and give the osprey a run for their money. There were tons of Canadian Geese and ducks too along with deer. I was interesting to watch the place go through the changing of the seasons. The place has lots of alder, maple and cottonwood trees so in the fall there was lots of color. In the winter the place could really get cold. I did see the lake freeze over a couple of time. I have only been back once since they drained it. It looked like hell. Too bad they could not remove Marmot Dam and keep the lake. Well I guess nothing last forever.
the lake housed trout, steelhead, and bass. not to mention a mass population of skulpins and crayfish. did you know that there were also 2 sturgeon in the lake when they drained it?
wow. Sturgeon???
Yep sturgeon. Over the years folks put lots of different fish into that lake. Before they built the lake, starting around 1909, it was just a flat spot ubove where PGE put there power house on the Bull Run River. I've seen old pictures of workmen behind teams of horses pulling scoops to dig out the lake. It was never very deep and the depest spot was over by the fire house where the let the water out ot go down to the power house. Not only were all the fish in that lake planted, so was the lake. It's amazing how they got the water to the lake since there was no water source to support a lake at the site. Dam the big Sandy at Marmot--flume it to the little Sandy--divert it from the little Sandy to the lake---from the lake to the power house to the Bull Run River....from the bull run river back into the Sandy at Dodge park! Some system and built prior to all these new machines they have now for excavation work.
I caught a couple of trout out of that Lake. I'll miss it. Used to float my aquapod up there, basically the same boat as they rented.

Shame it's gone. It was so close to town, and now I have to drive 2-3 times the distance.
It's a shame

It's a shame

I remember as a kid walking the trail next to the troff that supplied the lake was some good bear hunting up there from roslyn to bull run, got my first deer up their it's a shame they drained it, was so close to town great fishing where the water supply came into the lake many of 12 to 14" trout went home with me will miss having it on my list of fun places to go after work and week ends when money is tight and can't go far from home:(
i grew up fishing and drinking beer there with all my friends... i'm still trying to get over the fact that it's gone :(
Why'd they drain it?
TTFishon said:
Why'd they drain it?

They drained it for a couple of reasons. First the only reason they built the lake was to hold watere for the power house that was on the Bull Run River. You can see the power house when you cross the bridge on Tenyke Road where it crosses the Bull Run. The power house was old, small and not real profitable. The other reason was so they could take out the dam at Marmot on the Sandy River. It was sort of a trade off. Lots of folks wanted that dam removed so there would be no dams at all on the Sandy river. This meant the Sandy could be a free flowing river from it's start on Mt. Hood to where it meets the Columbia in Troutdale. It is suppose to be beter for the non hatchery fish. Other folks wanted to keep the lake and all that went with it.

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