Rod slammin sturgeon!

My gal and I went out Saturday for some Sturgeon just above Cape Horn and something happened that I have heard about but never seen before. We were just relaxing on the boat enjoying the beatiful day, hadn't had a bite yet and had been out for about an hour and a half. All of the sudden her rod just slammed down and flattened the rod holder! She grabbed it a yanked back like I taught her and the rod would barely budge! She handed it to me and I started pulling back as hard as could but couldn't get an inch, I thought we had a monster on there! finaly after a few minutes I felt it come off the bottom so I handed her the rod back and she wrestled it up the rest of the way, a 34" er! I'm no veteran but I've caught about 30 sturgeon and I have never felt a shaker pull so hard or have never had them slam the rod like that, goodtimes! About ten minutes after we released it I looked over my shoulder and about crapped when I saw a boat about ten feet from us being pulled down river by an oversized, about 50' from us they finaly got it up; 11'! I had another first the weekend before when I had one come out of the water about 3', I LOVE FISHIN!
I dont know what it is that makes them that way but I have had a few just like you say. Caught a 39" last winter that I would have bet my house was an oversize. Gotta love angry little fish.
That's Grrrrrreaaaaatttt bro & sis.

She was probably holdin' onto a rusty anchor on the bottom

Sounds like you're a veteran to me. :clap: :clap: :clap: I've only seen sturgeon from afar,and they look like pretty tough customers. I sure wish there were pictures...:D
Iv'e hooked in to some real nasty 30"ers and swore they were 10'. The worst one was when the sturgeon rolled in the line and had it wrapped around him i fought it for about an hour between me and my grandfather just to see a 32"er couldn't believe it.
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