Rock snot/didymo in rivers?

New member
How do I remove rock snot from waders and boots if I've entered water where its located? Come back from Washington state and there was a lot of it up there (though its present in Oregon too), is cleaning method similar to prevent of mud snails, is cleaning and drying out ok? Read tiny amounts of the stuff can spread really easily if you've come into contact with it.
Let it dry if possible, then scrape away the solids, and dispose of the scrapings in your compost or garden. Don't wash it away into the storm drains or anywhere that runs in to the rivers.

Give your boots a good soak in a mild bleach or hydrogen peroxide solution.

Let dry again before use.

Thanks for helping to stop the spread ...
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To Prevent the Spread of Didymo:

1.Before coming to the park, clean all gear and equipment by:
• REMOVING debris and strands of alga from your gear
• CLEANING all gear in 2.5-5.0% solution of household bleach and hot water for 10 minutes. Hard to remove debris should be scrubbed with a biodegradable detergent.
• DRYING all gear to touch, and then continue drying time for at least 48 more hours.
2.Use only clean, thoroughly dried gear and equipment
3.Report sightings of suspect algae to Great Smoky Mountains National Park staff

From the National Park Service:
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Thanks for the info! Do you know if prevention for boats the same as for zebra mussels eg "clean drain and dry", check ramp, drain bilge etc? I've not seen much about what applies to boats...
Foreman9 said:
Thanks for the info! Do you know if prevention for boats the same as for zebra mussels eg "clean drain and dry", check ramp, drain bilge etc? I've not seen much about what applies to boats...
Probably would not hurt ...

A good soap scrub and rinse also seems to remove snot from surfaces.

But, again, don't rinse water into the storm drains. Rinse on your lawn, not your driveway or road.
A blast with high pressured, very hot water is good too I've read, after removing any algae
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