Rock creek

Hi guys and gals I am new here...I am thinking about going up to rock creek Res. Sun. it fishable..meannin is the road clear from 26..thanx
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Hi guys and gals I am new here...I am thinking about going up to rock creek Res. Sun. it fishable..meannin is the road clear from 26..thanx

Welcome to the very best in family friendly fishing forums! If it's sharing your fishing experiences with others or learning from some of the best Oregon has to OFFer, you are in the right spot.
Be safe.
Welcome. I too have been wondering about the road from either Hwy 26 or Hwy 35. The Hwy 35 route is usually snowband and closed until the middle of June. I am itching to haul my small boat to Rock Creek and would appreciate any road information. Let us know how the roads are and good luck fishing.
diehard and his whole clan is up there for the long weekend. they all left thur. night fri. mornin. looking to do some riding and some fishin too. his cousin swooped through wed night and swiped my 12' alum. so if you go up there and see an ugly faded 12' boat that isn't leaking 1 drop... thats my boat:think:
here is a link to a map for the way they went so i know this way is open for sure.

rock creek reservoir - Google Maps
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