Remington 3.5mm neoprene chest waders

They are the poor man waders. I love my pair and have several friends who love theres. I were them bank fishing for trout in the summer even because having waders awesome. If you get them you wont be dissapointed.
As long as you like having sweety $#% you will love them. I my self can't stand wearing them I got the breathable this year they are great. you can get breathable for about 100$ an I think they will last longer an are well worth it.
They are the poor man waders. I love my pair and have several friends who love theres. I were them bank fishing for trout in the summer even because having waders awesome. If you get them you wont be dissapointed.

Yeah, I need waders, but can't afford good ones right now. Worse case is they could be a spare pair for a buddy when I get better ones.
You will appreciate the warmth of neoprene over breathables if you fish a lot in the winter!! If you do get breathables, make sure they are big enough to put on warm clothes underneath!

IMO, you can't beat staying warm and dry while winter steelheading for 40 bucks.
You will appreciate the warmth of neoprene over breathables if you fish a lot in the winter!! If you do get breathables, make sure they are big enough to put on warm clothes underneath!

IMO, you can't beat staying warm and dry while winter steelheading for 40 bucks.

Yea that ^^^

I wear 5mm in the winter. Maybe get a little sweat in there but hey I stay WARM. Those Remington's are designed for over weight Wal-Mart shoppers. :lol: They are too baggy for my slender a$$. I prefer Hodgman over them for $15-20 more.. I have Cabela's right now and both pairs leaked right out of the box. I've had better luck with cheap ones from Bi-Mart. Im ordering a new pair of breathables today and will see what the difference is.
I got the Remington ones a few years ago and my only complaint has been the foot portion is so small that my feet loose circulation unless I wear lightweight socks so either way my feet are cold in the winter. I like them becasue they are cheap so if I snag them in the brambles I don't get too upset.

I went and grabbed a pair. The second I put them on I understood the sauna comments, but winter is upon us.

I tried them with a pair of hiking boots I have that are 1/2 a size bigger than I normally wear and I couldn't even come close to getting them on with the stocking foot and a pair of wool socks. How much bigger do you guys go for wading boots?
I went and grabbed a pair. The second I put them on I understood the sauna comments, but winter is upon us.

I tried them with a pair of hiking boots I have that are 1/2 a size bigger than I normally wear and I couldn't even come close to getting them on with the stocking foot and a pair of wool socks. How much bigger do you guys go for wading boots?

I went a full size...and it's still pretty snug. Not too uncomfortable though. They are neoprene wading boots though so they give a little more. And I leave them unzipped.
I wear 10 1/2, so I'll probably try 12's.

Bi-Mart had the Remington wading shoes with felt soles (also cheap) but they weren't on sale, so I'll look around a bit more for that. Besides the biggest size they had left was 11's. Dick's might have some decent sales this weekend with their store openings, so I'll try there.
1 size here too. I just grabbed one pair of cheap rubber sole, and one pair of cheap felt sole for a total of 60 bucks. Make sure you wear the rubber sole in the snow, or you will grow taller with every step. And in the summer/fall, you will need the felt.
You won't regret buying the waders. Specially in the winter. But even in the summer they are tollerable. Just stay in the water. I were my shoes 1/2 size to big so i ripped the insole out of a pair of old shoes and they work. You could glue carpet to the bottom for a cheap fix. I know a guy who did that once.
The happiest day of my life was when I put my neos in permanent storage.

I also had circulation issues causing my feet to freeze if I socked up.

Of course neos are better than than nothing, but the day you also change over to breathable waders you'll better understand the disdain I have for them.
I have sweating issues too, with my feet. I can't even wear artificial fabric in my socks because my skin starts to peel off from moisture like they have been soaking in a bathtub all day. That's my only concern, but I think thick wool socks will help.

One of my big hold-ups was not being able to decide between neo vs gortex. I'll probably end up with both eventually. Worse case I end up with a pair guest waders in the end.
Breathables and neoprenes have the same neo boot foots.

I wish they made(they might make them), breathable waders with 5mm boot foots. Cause my feet are the only thing that ever gets cold! Even with 5mm they still do!

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