Question about Salmon Eggs

I recenlty caught a nice nook and the eggs were starting to come right after I landed it. When I cut her open all the eggs started to pour out and they were no longer in the skeen. Can I still use the eggs if I put them in a spawn sack? I've never used sacks before but I'm guessing this is when they become useful?
I recenlty caught a nice nook and the eggs were starting to come right after I landed it. When I cut her open all the eggs started to pour out and they were no longer in the skeen. Can I still use the eggs if I put them in a spawn sack? I've never used sacks before but I'm guessing this is when they become useful?

Sure you can you can use some fresh or you can cure them too. From what I've read that more the norm around the great lakes systems. aka spawn sacks.
there will be a grate article in sts on how to cure and make spawn sacks and that is how they do it in the grate lakes they pull the eggs out of the sceen if they are still in them it is easy there might be a video on u tube or something to i can give you some more info if you need
Check youtube. They have about 3 or 4 instructional videos. You can get a little kit @ Dicks or fishermans Marine. I hve started using those this year and they are a little messy, but at least you can portion out the sizes you want to use. General curing methods apply, but be sure and strain them good so the juice does not get everywhere.Have fun.
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