Quartzville Fishing Trip

Hey everyone , I just got back fromt he Quartzville about 15 minutes ago , thought I would share my experience with you.. We ( the girlfriend and I ) made a day trip up a few miles above yellow bottom... found a few nice places to fish. The fish didn't seem to intrested in her bait , she was using powerbait... I had my fly rod up there and landed 7 ... They werent too intrested in dry flies , I had 1 rise and like a moron I got excited and yanked it away from him , but the Nymphs seemed to have some good success.. The pictures here taken were of 2 different fish , all 7 were around the same size.. I think the big one was about 14" and the small one was 12"...

I would say for anyone looking to have a good time on a fly , the quartzville seems to be fishing well... This weekend specially should be good beings everyone is at the Sweet Home Jamboree and not many people up quartzville , like it typically is in the summer..

Anyways everyone , I figured I would give you a small success story and hope to get some feedback and hear from everyone how your fishing trips have been going ..

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Looks nice! "Yellow Bottom"... uhm, how far up is that on Quartzville Cr?

I'll be scouting out the Middle Santiam Wilderness on Saturday. Thanks for the warning on Sweet Home's festival.
Looks nice! "Yellow Bottom"... uhm, how far up is that on Quartzville Cr?

I'll be scouting out the Middle Santiam Wilderness on Saturday. Thanks for the warning on Sweet Home's festival.

You know I set the Odometer and completely forgot to check it , but from what I remember once you turn off hwy 20 its between 20 and 25 miles.... there are signs that say Yellow Bottom on your right... then we probably went another 3 or 4 miles... there is quite a few access poitns to get to the water all the way up the road
Thanks, I haven't been up as far as Yellow Bottom yet.

Troutier - yes, you gotta visit Quartzville Creek at least once, soak in the scenery, and THEN fish. For travel time, it's an amazingly long distance from the Portland area. Takes me just as long to get there as the fishing areas above Cottage Grove.
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Very Cool..

Very Cool..

Trout angling at its best, nice looking water. Very nice fish and looks like the only thing on you that is going to be sore will be your face; from all those smiles..very Big Smiles. Great post and thanks for the pictures...man that water makes my casting hand twitch a bit.;) Congratulations on a very special day..

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