Poontoon Haystack Reservior and Wind

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I planed a relaxing day fishing from my 8' Bucks Bag South Fork. I had tied up a few black wooly buggers, and had the fly rod ready. I drove over to Haystack Reservior, a short drive from Culver. When I got there there was only one boat on the lake. I'm thinking this is going to be great. I even go for a quick swim first. I head out on the pontoon and start putting out line so far so good. Then out of no where the wind picks up and keeps picking up. It was a nice fast ride but made fishing impossible. I soon realized that getting back was going to be a job so I head for the closest shore to keep from being blowen clear across the lake. As I'm pulling against the oars a guy shows up on the bank and yells to me over the roar of the wind "hows the fishing" I yell back but he can't hear me over the wind. When I get to shore I finally tell him it's not so good. I waited for the wind to die down so I could make the trip back but no luck it keeps doing it's thing. I gave up and start the haul back. I strip out some line and lay into the oars, and then laugh at myself because I know if a fish should by some miricle should hook it's self on my line he would have to swim himself to the pontoon, because I sure as hell wasn't going to stop rowing and loose ground to the wind. I think I'll invest in a sea anchor for the pontoon, or better yet put the motor back on the drift boat;).
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sounds a lil ridiculous to me man... I have yet to get a trolling motor and have had many rough days out on the lakes.

I ended up getting a mesh bag/anchor
I think it is Aire/Fishcat
it was about $15 at Andy and Bax.
its nice because I can fill it with lead, sand bags or rocks.
its easy to pull off the bottom and can be adjusted on the fly.
koboabe said:
sounds a lil ridiculous to me man... I have yet to get a trolling motor and have had many rough days out on the lakes.

I ended up getting a mesh bag/anchor
I think it is Aire/Fishcat
it was about $15 at Andy and Bax.
its nice because I can fill it with lead, sand bags or rocks.
its easy to pull off the bottom and can be adjusted on the fly.

A trolling motor would be a little ridiculous, as you say, on my 8' pontoon. I was thinking of a sea anchor to slow the pontoon down as the wind blows. They work well for me when I'm out in the ocean on my 22 footer bottom fishing. They slow the boat down and give me better control. The trolling motor I already have, and it goes on the back of my drift boat man that thing would sink my pontoon.:lol: It's a 9.9 hp four stroke. Have you tried a sea anchor on your pontoon or can you confiure the Aire/Fishcat to act like one?
At any rate thanks for the information I'll check it out.
in my previous post I meant: Rowing in the high mountain wind is rediculous...
I have had too many days fighting wind and currents in lakes and coastal bays and I am ready to get an electric motor.

my boat is too big to rely on oars in high wind or fighting the tide.

I have not used my anchor as a sea anchor, but I have seen people mount small lead weights to the front of their toon. they claim it helps with the wind.
my anchor sits under my cargo deck when it is not being used.
the added weight doesn't seem to help me, but its not on the front of my boat.

I will be taking my trolling motor into salt, but not very often.
not sure if I need to get a RipTide like model or if I can simply wash a freshwater motor in clean water after use in the salt.
OK I got it now. I miss-understood you. I thought you ment a trolling motor was rediculious. I guess as I get older it's not just my hearing that's going bad.

On my big boat I went with the Saltwater Mercuries, and still wash them down good with fresh water when I come back in. That saltwater can sure eat things up. The Mercuries are the second set of motors I have had on the boat. The first were Johnsons and they lasted about 15 years before they needed to be replaced. I've had the Merchs for about five years and they are in good shape.

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