On the Sandy Today 3/21


Active member
Hit all over Oxbow this morning. This time I tried spinners and spoons. No action until near the end; I was running my spoon slow trying to get deeper and felt a pull. I thought maybe I had hit bottom, so I pulled back, and it pulled back! It then let go :( Then a beautiful chrome steelie with a slight rainbow stripe along it crested and rolled. I'm guessing 8-10 pounds.

So it either spit the hook quick, or I scraped/foul hooked it. Either way I'm still skunked this year :mad: At least I SAW a fish this time though :rolleyes:

Heading back out Monday - wish me better luck.
Don't count yourself out there. I catch Steelhead at all hours legal to fish them. There are periodic "bites" through out the day, but if you put it in their bite box, they wil grab and go.
NICE! What time did you get to Oxbow this morning? I think I've been getting too late of a start.

We started out around 8:30, but the action didn't come till close to 1pm. Didn't see anyone have any luck this morning. Personally I'm starting to think the afternoon/evening hours are looking to be more productive on the Sandy right now. I'll let you all know Monday! :pray:
Hey I am also thinking/planning on being out at Oxbow monday with my fly rod. Is it busy on Mondays should I wait till Tuesday or with it being spring break who knows? I will probably go anyways but just curious if I am going to have to hike a bit to find water.
redhawk - my experience has been you never really know till you get there. I was surprised that it was pretty quiet Saturday though.
Well wasn't to crowded at Oxbow today, might have been because there were apparently no fish. Or at least no one was catching them. Got to swing all the runs I wanted to swing so I was happy.

Anyone know any places to swing on the Clack? I saw McIver on a map and it seems to have possibly good water.

I concur - got out there around 9:15 and left at 4. I hit just about every hole I could find with bobber and jig, low to high, with nothing to show for it :(

I only saw one bonked steelie, attached to a 3-person toon that passed by in the afternoon.

I did get one hit, at around the same time - and same place - as Saturday's strike, this time on my jig. Was gone before I could set the hook though :rolleyes:
Joe which part of the Sandy did you hit? And othere than going blank on fish how did you like the river? I'm going to finish my coffee and head down to Dodge Park to meet my son for a couple hours of fishing. Hope we get some actions,,,,,,,,,,,,;)
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