Ollalie lake

Anyone know if Ollalie Lake it clear enough and if the roads are open?? I would like to head up there and trout fish a little if possible.
Last I heard there were still several feet of snow. That was a few weeks ago though, I am hoping this nice stretch of weather we've been having might do the trick.
I haven't been up there yet this year, but can tell you last year at this time we couldn't even get close. We are planning a trip in about a month, hopefully will be clear by then.

If you go please post up how you do and how much snow!
Sled dogs and chainsaws I'm afraid. Month from now is a good estimate for this year.
There are enough salmon and steelhead trips in my future. another month won't kill me. Might make me lose a little sleep, but it won't kill me.
Anyone head up that way recently? Just curious how much snow is still blocking the way.
I was up at Shellrock Lake last weekend, it's about 600ft lower and was still covered in ice, I had to hike about a mile through snow to get to the lake, the roads were still too snowy to get through in a vehicle, unless you've got a winch and plan to use it. I'd guess that Oalie is still snowy as well.
we was we up there saturday it looked good to us, but we was just checking it out..
Ollalie North of Detroit???
May be worth a scouting trip

May be worth a scouting trip

I just checked with Fishing Lakes, Tips, & Resources | Fishing Works and learned that the snow level is at 8,000 feet whereas the lake is just over 4,000. Local weather calls for chances of thunderstorms the next few days and then showers off and on the rest of the week. Temperatures will be in the low to upper 60's. Since it is in Jefferson County,you may want to get an update from local ranger stations or guides. Please let us know how you do if you go up.
Be safe.
I guess a lot of snow has melted over the last week. That's good to know I'm taking a group of Scouts camping at 5000' next weekend, I was hoping the snow would be melted by then.
yup thats the one.
Still closed and mile walk through snow

Still closed and mile walk through snow

Just tried yesterday, area is pretty messed up with felled trees but you can hike to the lakes. You can get to Triangle but gate is closed so there is a hike there also. Cheers
My father and law wants to go camping there next weekend. Is it possiible right now to even get close to the lake?
Olallie may get NO fish this year...

Olallie may get NO fish this year...

Talked to F&W this afternoon. Gentleman I talked to said since the company running the store and such went out of biz and the road is still not clear...they may not (May) not stock it this year. What a Loss for all of us, if...
He did say if Olallie's fish didn't go there they would be divided between other lakes and such.
That would be very unfortunate if they chose not to stock it. The fishing I enjoy most is strapping on a backpack and heading to a remote lake or river. Olallie offers a kid friendly alternative to that, but yet isn't your typical reservoir like Detroit with all the water skiers and it is a great base camp for many different lakes that are only a quick day hike away.
Ther eis something special about the place. It is quiet, fishing is good and a person can go there to relax. Too bad it is not being taken care of.
i hit up ollalie lake on friday. there were some crews out there to take down trees that may potentially fall, but the road there itself is clear. seems to have not been stocked at all though.
and yes, the store is out of business and the cabins there are closed down for the year. not sure if it will be stocked this year at all since the odfw stocking schedules for ollalie have all passed already, unless they do a late stock.
but yeah, nothing out there biting, except for mosquitoes.
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