OK, help an old guy out

Got my Chinook fishing trip set up 3rd week of September, But I can't remember what the brine is for the black label herring that we plug cut. I think it has rock salt and maybe blueing in it. In the days gone by we always used whole herring, but I tried that a few years ago and got out fished by everyone. You can PM me or better yet put in this thread. I can copy it down. I sure hope I get some pictures this time. Even if it's just me falling out of my boat. ( my son-inlaw does have a picture of me on one site with a 4" pike minnow) Dan
Got my Chinook fishing trip set up 3rd week of September, But I can't remember what the brine is for the black label herring that we plug cut. I think it has rock salt and maybe blueing in it. In the days gone by we always used whole herring, but I tried that a few years ago and got out fished by everyone. You can PM me or better yet put in this thread. I can copy it down. I sure hope I get some pictures this time. Even if it's just me falling out of my boat. ( my son-inlaw does have a picture of me on one site with a 4" pike minnow) Dan

I've got one for you...PM me your address and I'll ship out to you.
Good luck.
Thanks Kodiak. I sent you the message. I need all the help I can get. This site is so much fun to participate on. I keep an eye on it from work all day long. Dan
OK, This will be a year like yesteryear. I know the projections for the Suislaw River are not too good for this year for "Nooks", but I am going to have Kodiak's Herring Brine working, and I just ordered some spinners from him. All of a sudden my confidence level shot up a bunch. I want to thank Kodiak for all his help, and I hope we have good pics when we get back to share. Thanks, Dan
I am thinking of tossing some of your lure out at Winchester Bay in a week or two. The colors should be good, It may be just what everyone will be needing soon. lol.. Dan
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