North Santiam river trout fishing

I need some help on recommended spots and a report on trout fishing North Santiam river because I'm going tmrw so I need some help if anybody knows anything appreciate help.
Fishing for trout on the North Santiam River can be a rewarding experience. Here are some tips and key information for a successful outing:


  1. Check Fishing Regulations: Oregon fishing regulations apply. Confirm the season dates, daily limits, and any special rules for the North Santiam River.
  2. License: Ensure you have a valid Oregon fishing license and any necessary tags.

Best Times​

  1. Spring to Early Fall: Trout fishing is generally best from late spring through early fall.
  2. Morning and Evening: Fish are more active during cooler parts of the day.

Gear and Tackle​

  1. Rod and Reel: A light to medium spinning rod (6-7 feet) or a fly rod (4-6 weight) is ideal.
  2. Line: Use a 4-6 lb test monofilament or fluorocarbon line for spinning setups.
  3. Lures and Baits:
    • Spinners (Panther Martin, Rooster Tail)
    • Small spoons
    • Worms or salmon eggs
    • Fly patterns like Parachute Adams, Elk Hair Caddis, and Woolly Buggers


  1. Casting Lures: Cast upstream and retrieve with the current for a natural presentation.
  2. Drift Fishing: Drift bait or flies through pools and runs.
  3. Fly Fishing: Use dry flies for surface action or nymphs for deeper waters.


  1. Upper River: The section above Detroit Lake is known for wild trout.
  2. Below Detroit Dam: Stocked with hatchery rainbow trout; check stocking schedules for updated information.
  3. Tributaries: Smaller creeks feeding into the North Santiam can hold good trout populations.


  1. Access: Look for public access points, such as parks and boat ramps. Avoid trespassing on private property.
  2. Water Conditions: Clear water is best for trout. High or muddy water can make fishing challenging.
  3. Stealth: Trout are wary—approach quietly and avoid casting shadows over the water.

Here are some specific spots and techniques for trout fishing on the North Santiam River:

Specific Spots

  1. Above Detroit Lake (Wild Trout Area)
    • Description: The river above Detroit Lake is known for its wild trout. The scenery is pristine, and the fishing pressure is lower.
    • Tips: Focus on riffles, runs, and deeper pools. Wading can help you access these areas.
    • Best Access Points:
      • Breitenbush River confluence
      • Public trails near Marion Forks
  2. Below Detroit Dam (Stocked Trout Area)
    • Description: Below the dam, the river is regularly stocked with rainbow trout during the season.
    • Tips: Fish near areas where fish are released, like parks and boat ramps. Trout often concentrate here.
    • Best Access Points:
      • Packsaddle Park (easy access to productive waters)
      • Fishermen’s Bend Recreation Area
  3. Stayton to Jefferson Section
    • Description: This stretch has good bank access and holds both stocked rainbows and wild cutthroat trout.
    • Tips: Focus on shaded areas and undercut banks during warmer months.
    • Best Access Points:
      • Stayton Bridge
      • Santiam State Park

Techniques for Specific Spots

  1. Above Detroit Lake
    • Use dry flies in calm stretches during hatches (evening hours are ideal).
    • Drift nymphs in deeper pools using a strike indicator.
  2. Below Detroit Dam
    • Cast spinners like Mepps or Rooster Tail into the current and retrieve slowly.
    • Float fish salmon eggs or worms in riffles near the dam.
  3. Stayton to Jefferson
    • Toss small jigs or soft plastics under overhanging trees.
    • Use small crankbaits that mimic minnows to target larger trout in deeper runs.

Additional Tips

  • Best Time: Trout tend to bite more actively in the mornings and evenings.
  • Stocking Schedule: Check the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) website for up-to-date trout stocking reports.
  • Gear: Waders can improve your mobility and help you reach less pressured fishing spots.
North Santiam river trout fishing
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My experience with the NF Santiam is pretty much just above Detroit. It's a good trout stream up there with plentiful stocking and some wild trout in the upper river above Marion Forks in a small stream setting.

They don't stock the river below Big Cliff anymore, but I can't imagine there are not wild trout in there.
I actually caught 3 wild trout at packsaddle recently fight very hard
That's great to hear!
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Yeah not to tuff to catch just a lot of wild bushes on the trail

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