No King Glory this year

Well once again, it seems that everyone except me gets to fish for Chinook this year. Local rivers all closed for them. Only get to keep hatchery Coho, can't even keep chum.

I will have to watch your posts to see what one looks like again this year. Unless I manage to get to the Puget Sounds, Colombia or Humptulips this year. I wish they would plant more so we could at least keep a couple locally. At least clip them so we can keep a hatchery fish. I know they clip Spring Chinook so why not fall Chinook?

Guess the only good thing is I don't have to worry about putting on any line heavier than 12# test.


Went to the meeting on the coast about our season and may not get to fish either!!! Atleast you guys will get a good pink run!
Oh yeah, odd year. I totally forgot. I guess it gonna be a "stupid fishing" type of year up there for me if no Chinook are allowed to be retained. Pinks are pretty fun. I like to fight Chumatrons too, but even chromers are pretty gross meat quality. Everywhere is getting the belt cinched up tight this coming year. Geez.:confused:
Pinks are in the Puget Sound not around here. From what I hear they are only worth the fight any way so no reason for me to travel all the way there to come up empty handed.

Oh well, hopefully the Coho returns will be as big as they expect. Hope to eat Coho from Sept to January. See if I can grow some scales.
Pinks Ok to Eat?

Pinks Ok to Eat?

I've never done bonked a pink...are they any good to eat? I will be taking a trip up there this year...supposed to be a huge run, get some vid..see If I can't get into a hundred or so on film just for giggles.
Don't, you won't be happy you killed one. They really do not taste that good. It is fun to harass over 100 in a day, but that is about all they are good for. A good fight. Little fish that require half substantial gear is usually worth it, but you need to get Chum vids! They are super cool to look at, and fight harder, pound fer pound than the other Salmonids.

F4A - You are a Coho kind of guy too eh? I love fresh Coho. Salty fresh is wicked, but I would take one from your home rivers any day of the week over the other species!
Is always an awesome run of pinks in the Skagit, Puyallup and a couple other rivers up here. There is supposedly a spot by Point Defiance that they stack up and you can snag them accidentally every cast. Never heard of anyone keeping them though.

I have eaten Chum before and they weren't that bad to be honest. Bucks only though. A hen is okay if it is fresh and broiled or cooked over a fire right away but not for much else. Some good seasonings and a double broiler work great to season them right and get the fat out. If I ever catch a pink I will try it to see if it is any good. Can't be worse than planted trout and I don't mind them.
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