No fish

Went to the Alsea this am , started at mp 15 or so and came back to Alsea , water looked real nice , and cold . Did not get a thing . By the time Me and my Son got near Alsea the river was up a couple of feet , and turning brown , stop at Hatchery not a thing there . A nice VERY wet trip
It sure did shoot up really quick with all this rain. I fished it Monday before it started to rise. Hooked and released a coho but that was it, there sure are a lot of those guys milling around still. I'm gonna tie some more jigs and wait for the water to drop, then it's on.:D


Fishinchuck we threw a lot a them !! no eggs or worms ! but ever thing else, but no body home . Will try again when rain/water lets up a lttle. looked at river levels and they all are on the rise fast
Later Wayne
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