No catfish listing?

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the columbia river i have cought one near the bridge to washington i think its the 205 bridge not sure the one infront of pdx and also freshwater one in the pond near benson lake
Try the mouth of the tualitan. apparntly record size white cats have been caught there if im correct. if not anybody please correct me! Hadd lake has good size bullhead cats but there hard to come by. last summer i saw a 16" caught by sain creek. water was down very low and a gal was plunking whole worms 50 feet out. she asked me to unhook it. wish i had gloves. couldnt get the slime off for a long time. iffn your not into eating them you could always try the willamete. a member caught a 30 pounder out of there not to long ago. his name is drew if you want to ask him where. The columbia has great catfishing if you have a boat. Hope some of this helps.
Heard State record white cat from there. I definitely need some channel cat help too have posted here ,just think there are few here that target them " not many channel cats here in the mid willamette valley " but I happen to have access to some just know nuthin about fishin them.
if ya head on over to the snake river their is the best cat fishing in the state big cats! or if your really hardcore their is a guide that will take ya out noodling i did that on leave once its nuts
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