Yesterday, a friend and I headed up to the Alsea to try and beat the crowd and find some chrome. We made it to where i originally wanted to fish but of course there was somebody who obviously had 0 ethics sitting in my hole. So we adapted and overcame, beat the brush and found a new hole where nobobdy had been. We tied up some riggins and got to fishing. on my 14th cast, a metalhead slammed my orange corky/white yarnball combo. fish on. The fish tore up my curado, jumped and revealed to us that it was a 20 lb beast! :shock:. I fought it for a sold 5 minutes, and a drift boat came around the corner. Also fighting a steely. not good on a river that i could spit across. I was concentrating on the task at hand when i heard the sound of a screaming drag. I looked up to see chromer splashing on the surface headed my way. uh oh. the man in the boat tried to stop the run but did not want to lose his fish. soon i could feel the line rubbing across mine, weakening the 12 lb maxima. My buddy yelled at him, "cut it or something, this fish is 20 lbs!" as ecpected they didn't. and within seconds I felt that dreaded feeling of weightless line and a stiff loomis... i was furious. I wanted to pack up and leave but Joe convinced me to stay. The boat landed the fish and passed by. no words were spoke. after I regained composure i went back to fishing. I added some shrimp scent to my yarn and threw er out. a little while later Joe hooked into a nice 8 lb hen that we bonked. on my 27th cast i hooked up again and landed my first winter chrome of the year.
. a 10 lb buck.
it turned out to be a great day, but our hook-up to banked fish ratio wasn't the best. landing 6 of 17 fighting fish we both released a couple. dont flame me! haha. We both missed countless bites. I tagged my first fish, and then handed a a couple off to Joe. one beautiful native and one nice 9 lber. all were hooked on white yarnballs with a orange corky and some mikes' shrimp scent. I dropped my phone in the river a week bfore that so no pictures for me, ARGGHH!!!
Oh and I could have sworn I saw branman down there, if that was you, hope you did well!

it turned out to be a great day, but our hook-up to banked fish ratio wasn't the best. landing 6 of 17 fighting fish we both released a couple. dont flame me! haha. We both missed countless bites. I tagged my first fish, and then handed a a couple off to Joe. one beautiful native and one nice 9 lber. all were hooked on white yarnballs with a orange corky and some mikes' shrimp scent. I dropped my phone in the river a week bfore that so no pictures for me, ARGGHH!!!

Oh and I could have sworn I saw branman down there, if that was you, hope you did well!