New idea


Active member
Was filling in for the guy in town that picks up garbage, he's pretty sick. Got to one place and dumped it in the trailer and out poped a jar of fingernail polish with sparkels in it. Thougt it might work well on lead head jigs so scouped it out. Then went into the Bi Mart and found 1/8th oz plain jigs so got a bag, 12 of them. Then went and looked for different sparkles in the finger nail booth and found them and some white, yellow, red and black stuff. Got home and tried it out and kind of like what came out! put sone fine smaller sparkels on some plain 1/4oz jigs I got then did a bunch up in the colors and when they dried put some sparkels on them. Can't wait for spring to try them out! I put in a photo but not sure you could see them well enough, not that good with a camera!
Always fun to experiment. My
Bassin’ buddy puts a dab of orange nail polish, on the treble hook tips on his favorite crank bait. And he keeps track and averages 150 bass per season.

BTW I don’t see any picture attached to your post above.
I replied to a post sometime back about nail polish on a bead. The color was "crackle purple". Caught many of metal heads on a drift while pinning. The time is NOW for winter metal heads. Tony
Always fun to experiment. My
Bassin’ buddy puts a dab of orange nail polish, on the treble hook tips on his favorite crank bait. And he keeps track and averages 150 bass per season.

BTW I don’t see any picture attached to your post above.
Only one camera working right now and battery was dead!
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