Nesutcca River

well we decided to head over to Nestucca yesterday- the Hanson hole. saw a few big fish got bit like crazy by the trout- i even caught one, but let him go as i wasn't sure about his size or keep-abilty. had the spot all to ourselves all day. a friend said thet the fish are higher in the the river, anyone have thoughts on that?

think we are going to wander over to the Salmon River today just for the fun of it.

where would you go in the next week or so if you really truly wanted to catch a big one from the bank? i have a small boat, but do not trust the motor.

thanks all.
nasty rumors of some feeder chinook being caught low on drift creek, and some friends of mine are picking up a few fish by the 101 bridge on the siletz. Also try the 101 hole on the salmon, fish will pull in there earley once in a while.

thanks for the info. we just keep trying. i have to tell you i waas so pleased with myself for getting the trout it was all worth it. for some reason i do alright fishing in lakes (Gid bless PowerBait) and i even do alright in the ocean, but the rivers i cannot get a good handle on them. i am still open to any help i can get.
I will start making appearances in about two weeks, I hope. I will let you know as soon as I do.

really hoping we can meet up and i mebbe i can learn a bit form you.

we went on out to the Salmon river today- and while it took a long time i caught a sea run cutthroat (12"). i was so thrilled, i had caught and endless number of bullheads- and for once i recoznized it was a different kind of strike. i was using a 1oz bobber with a sandshrimp on a 1 hook.

the banks havent been trampled down yet, so there are no great spots. but a machete and some long pants and stomping the grass would go a long way.
Congrats on an anadonamous fish! We will meet up this fall I'm sure.
went back out to the Nestucca yesterday adn stood in the rain hoping for a bobber down... no such luck ( or mebbe lack of skill). saw several huge fish rolling and breeching but not bites.

am wondering if when they are playing like that if they are in the biting mood? also wondering, it would seem that if they are breeching and rolling, logic says they are on the surface- so how should i be fishing? we stayed with the bobber and sandshrimp set up, went to a pink worm for a while and nothing. i was running around 7 feet deep and my gf was running around 3.

am super discouraged. are we doing something really wrong? i have a ton of spinner and dont mind throwing them, i just am not sure i am ever doing it correctly. was also wondering- in an effort to lose less tackle is it possible to run a spinner under a bobber? or would it just look and act totally wrong?

all help and advice is welcome and appreciated. i have a bunc more questions / wonderings, i am just never sure where to post them.

by the way i am not sure if the fish we are seeing are salmons or steelheads. i think they aer steelheads, but again i really dont know.

Where were you fishing when you saw these fish roll? would provide some insight and I can better help you.
we were at the Hanson boat ramp hole. the action was off the left hand path and then some up on the point where the logs are
I wonder if you are seeing some of the beggining of the fall run?
I am wondering if you weren't looking at the last of the springers that are up that high. I would start focusing around the bridge at Pacific city and 101 hole, maybe the boat ramp at salmon river bay.
So I am at PAC city today. I want to fish but not sure if if is worth it since the summers run is ending. If I do, should I stick to the bridge and sand shrimp? What do you suggest?
I would through spinners, or bobber and eggs at 8ft behind the bridge in PC on the incomming tide. The fish seem to hold there pretty well. Almost every costal system is getting a push right now...its early I know but I get a funky feeling this run is going to be way bigger than ODFW thinks.
I tried it out this am. Caught to small cutthroat and 3 small bottom feeders. Saw 2 big salmon jump, but far out of my reach from the bank.

masmith said:
I tried it out this am. Caught to small cutthroat and 3 small bottom feeders. Saw 2 big salmon jump, but far out of my reach from the bank.


It's a little on the early side but at least you saw them rolling there. Usually they stack on the down river side of the bridge between the 2nd nd 3rd pillings...keep at it, you will hook up soon.!
hows rock hole doing...are they there...anybody saw anything....
probably not up that far yet...just tiding in and out my guess.
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