Needing advice on a Muzzleloader hunt in late November

Hey guys,

Would love some help on what may be a good or even decent plot of public land I can hunt this november with my .50 cal muzzleloader( I have read it must be open sights?).

I have just moved to oregon and am having a hard time finding the correct information on where I can go and what is open. I also want to go somewhere that is not too extreme as I will be hunting alone.

Here is a list I found on an old form.

Any info helps. Thanks in advance

100M N Muzzleloader* One deer 872 1,466
Willamette Unit Sept. 29 - Nov. 30
Hood Unit & Hood Rvr Valley Oct. 13 - Oct. 23
McKenzie Unit & N Indigo Nov. 10 - Nov. 21
Trask Unit Nov. 3 - Nov. 16
121M S Indigo* One deer Nov. 25 - Dec. 6 54 262
123M1 Melrose-N Sixes* One deer Nov. 10 - Nov. 18 165 129
123M2 N Bank Habitat* One white-tailed buck having not less Nov. 24 -Nov. 30 5 52
than a forked antler or one black-tailed deer
128M Applegate Unit One deer Nov. 10 - Dec. 2 315 1040
132M Klamath Falls Unit One deer Oct. 27 - Nov. 4 27 105
135M S Paulina* One antlerless deer Oct. 13 - Oct. 21 38 224
139M1 Metolius Unit No. 1 One deer Oct. 20 - Oct. 26 26 302
139M2 Metolius Unit No. 2 One antlerless deer Oct. 20 - Oct. 26 21 113
145M Flatiron* One buck with visible antler Oct. 13 - Oct. 21 est. 50 in 2012 NEW
148M Ditch Cr* One buck with visible antler Oct. 13 - Oct. 21 138 172
151M Baker* One white-tailed deer Nov. 15 - Nov. 28 80 128
153M Union Co* One white-tailed deer Nov. 12 - Nov. 25 440 391
156M N Wenaha-E Sled Springs* One white-tailed deer Dec. 1 - Dec. 9 303 227
166M N Malheur* One buck with visible antler Oct. 13 - Oct. 21 55 114
168M NE Whitehorse* One buck with visible antler Nov. 17 - Nov. 28 26 356
170M Hart Mt * One buck with visible antler Sept. 29 - Oct. 10 15 391
171M Juniper* One buck with visible antler Nov. 24 - Dec. 2 10 488
172M Silvies Unit One buck with visible antler Oct. 13 - Oct. 21 55 120
176M Silver Lake-E Fort Rock* One deer Oct. 13 - Oct. 21 32 16

Any advice on one of these areas would be great. I seem to find one that sounds good and realize I have to draw a tag for it.
Sounds like you have some time to scout, that is what I would do. You'll end up finding your own honey hole that way, it's more rewarding too!
you have to draw those hunts so unless you have drawn the tag you can't hunt it. scout and do your homework thats all you can do. and advise i give everyone, unless you know where to hunt and how to hunt dont put in for the tag. scout before putting in it will save you time. and yes open sight, open ignition, no shotgun primers, no sabots, no jacketed bullets, only lead bullets, loose powder only, no pelletized powder. but since your new to oregon and you are asking about all of them i take it you dont have the tag and general deer season is over so you're out of luck and dont even need to worry about it this year.
and your dates up there are wrong, season dont start on those days
Joem, just curious, so a Powerbelt is considered jacketed?
if it has plastic on it, then it is considered illeagle in oregon as far as i know im checking right now to confirm
okay so, it is illeagle to use, scopes unless you have a visual problem in which i believe you have to be checked out by a doctor and vision below 20/200 or less than 20 degree range of vision, non lead bullets, jacketed bullets, no sabots or bullets with plastic or synthetic bases. no centerfire primers ( shotgun primers) no peletized powder, no revolving actions, open ignition.

all from page 30 of the big game book.
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