My first salmon video

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Well I finally got around to making my hat cam, so I wen't to Eagle Creek to try it out. Due to technical difficulties with the camera, and batteries that were nearly dead, I only got one descent video, but it turned out pretty good I think:D.

Hey that's pretty good. I thought about doing something like that with a camera called the "Epic Camera". Its a digital camera that is designed to be clipped on or strapped on like a hat, bow, rifle, helmets, etc. Good first video!:clap::clap:
Man that vid got me so excited. Ya guys do know I like stalk the forum for pics and vids of waterways and fish since I can't go out fishing yet :'( I feel dead inside!!! just kidding the lady makes up for my fishing withdraws lol keep up the great work.

P.S. I'm not crazy but my fishing stuff sleeps in the corner of my room on the same side as me.
Thanks everyone, look forward to more in the future once i get the kinks figured out, and the winter steelies show up:dance:.
Here's one more for ya. Dang camera died just after I landed it but still got some good video.

Great Videos! A little commentary on the action would be nice. All we hear is the sound of running water.... I'll be right back!!!
Great Videos! A little commentary on the action would be nice. All we hear is the sound of running water.... I'll be right back!!!

Haha I didn't talk because in my other videos I shot when I talked, I ended up cussin:lol:. I can't help but cuss a bit when fighten fish, so I just keep my mouth shut:D.
Haha I didn't talk because in my other videos I shot when I talked, I ended up cussin:lol:. I can't help but cuss a bit when fighten fish, so I just keep my mouth shut:D.

I have that problem! It`s why I haven`t posted any in awhile. Good job, I think they are better with out all the blah, blah, blah. Well mine are, anyway.:lol:
Thanks guys, i can't wait to shoot more. Next time i'll try some commentary without the language:D, or atleast i'll try:lol:.
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