my day on the metolious

Im headed out there this morning to hike around , take pictures and of course FISH!!!! I will let you guys know how it went!!!!!:)
Good Luck. Hopefully you can get some action and see some huge trout.
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Hope you are getting into some fish right about now.
Yea hope to hear of blizzard hatch and fish fighing over your fly!
UPDATE: The metolious officially kicked my butt!!!! by far the most difficult river i have fished. There was a decent hatch of bwo going on but i didn't even get one hit on my fly. I then tried a stonefly with a copper john dropper and that worked very well, the fish hit it but i could never get them close without them wiggling off the hook.I must have had 5 hookups and all of them got off the hook before i could even get a good look at them. I did get some good advice from an old timer that was out there and we sat and talked and fished for about 2 hours . He landed 2 nice rainbows on a caddis pupa nymph i believe. I did a lot of hikinng around as well . The weather sucked as it had a steady drizzle and some rain most of the day. Overall i had lots of fun and to tell you the truth i wasn't even expecting to get a strike much less 5!!!! can't wait till summer , should be some good fishing.
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Reactions: eggs and OnTheFly
sounds like a good day on the metolius,,it can be a very humbling river to fish
bigsteel said:
sounds like a good day on the metolius,,it can be a very humbling river to fish

It was very humbling. I did get a bit frustrated at times but i also learned a lot!!!
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