My catch of the day!!!

I went to hit the water this morning after some apointments and the only thig i landed was this rod and reel the rod is a Browning Hi-Power H129466 witha Quantum reel 511mg Dynamag!!! Photo0202.jpgPhoto0201.jpg Ohhh and the first thing i saw when i got the the river was a big a** carp i tried to snag it but couldn't :rolleyes: :rolleyes:. Thats when i wish i was good at snagging and getting one more carp out of the water!!! :lol: :lol:
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wow, sound slike an exciting day. and im not gunna lie. snagging carp and suckerfish is very fun on ultralight rods :dance: :lol:

I snagged up a few years ago and pulled in a 'bright green' branch/vine. .


seemed like plastic coated to me so I gently pulled it in (feeling rocks and crap on the bottom of the river SLOWLY letting me gain ground)

ended up with a wad of fly line, I finally figured that out. . . so I kept pulling gently. . .

finally an eye and then a rod tip and eventually a fly reel came out of the water. . .full setup, fly on the line and all. . .

still got it, I covet what the river gives me. . .

good score my man, hope your as stoked as I was when 'old man river' gave me a setup. . .
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