
I was wondering if anyone has been up to the lake recently and if so, are the Mosquitoes backing off any? I figure since melt off was much later than usual that the Mosquito situation won't improve until late August into early September.

I'm going up there Tuesday - ??. Might stay 3-4 days, depending on the little savages, the wind, the fishing, etc. Will post when I get back....
I was up there Sunday and the mosquitoes were not bad at all

HOWEVER.....that almost certainly had a lot to do with the fact that the wind was blowing at a decent clip. Had it been a calm day, who knows?

If I were going back, I'd go prepared for the little snots to be out in full force. I'd rather assume that and be wrong, than go the other way.
Coleman 100X...I think that is what it is called. it is out in my car. We used that at Olallie and it beat Deep Woods OFF hands down.
Muhak Mountain said:
I'm going up there Tuesday - ??. Might stay 3-4 days, depending on the little savages, the wind, the fishing, etc. Will post when I get back....
Alright looking forward to your report.

No_Bad_Skunks said:
I was up there Sunday and the mosquitoes were not bad at all

HOWEVER.....that almost certainly had a lot to do with the fact that the wind was blowing at a decent clip. Had it been a calm day, who knows?

If I were going back, I'd go prepared for the little snots to be out in full force. I'd rather assume that and be wrong, than go the other way.
Yeah true when the wind comes up over 15mph they move off. Thanks for the report and definitely will prepare for the worst hoping for the best when we arrive.

lilsalmon said:
Coleman 100X...I think that is what it is called. it is out in my car. We used that at Olallie and it beat Deep Woods OFF hands down.
I'll look into it. Thank you.
So I had a pretty good trip. 2 hours up from Salem to find very few skeeters. Yes, the wind was blowing but it was more of a breeze than anything else. A few buzzed around in the evening but that was it. We stayed the first night at Peninsula CG. The weather was great, but our campsite (13) had a strip of sunlight that the sun followed from AM to PM, giving us very little shade. I fished from the bank and my tube here at the south end. Not a bump. Tried worms, PB, kastmasters, and trolled a Spruce fly, Nobody else was catching fish either.

Then on Wed we drove through Big Ten CG and there was an opening on the water (#3) so in 2 loads I moved our gear. Great location, lots of shade, steady but not annoying breeze. Again very few mosquitoes. By now we were hot & dusty. Quick trip up to Head Lake(?) for a swim and back to camp. Then I finally got my first bite right there in front of our camp. Pulled in a 13 inch rainbow.

Next AM, up early, ready to go out in my tube. gear - check. rods - check. waders on, tube in the water - oh #%@!. Where's my stabilizer bar/ stripping skirt. I have a Caddis tube, the kind of bar that velcros in between the two sides. Back up to camp, looked all over, all over the car - nothing. Between the moves it must've gotten lost. So options (at 5:00 am). Fire up my noisy car and wake up everyone, drive over to Peninsula, hope there's no-one in our previous spot, find the thing. Option two is walk. Nah - too far. So I get in the tube, no gear cause I'd probably drop it in the water, and finkick over to look for it.

30 minutes later - nothing there aarrggg. Back across the lake. Looks like I'll be bankin it. Nothing else. No bites, bumps, hits. Talked to a few guys. Slow fishing.
Came back late afternoon Thursday.

In conclusion, I think I left it somewhere around Peninsula CG and someone thought it would be a cool thing to have. Anyone have an idea how to replace that bar/skirt piece. I only paid $25 at a garage sale for the whole float tube, and it's in pristine condition. Caddis website doesn't show it as something that can be bought separately.

Overall a good trip, warm weather, no bites by flying things, but just the one bite from a swimming thing.

oh yeah, saw a long garter snake right there on the bank in front of our Camp Ten CG. Cool.
Muhak Mountain said:
So I had a pretty good trip. 2 hours up from Salem to find very few skeeters. Yes, the wind was blowing but it was more of a breeze than anything else. A few buzzed around in the evening but that was it. We stayed the first night at Peninsula CG. The weather was great, but our campsite (13) had a strip of sunlight that the sun followed from AM to PM, giving us very little shade. I fished from the bank and my tube here at the south end. Not a bump. Tried worms, PB, kastmasters, and trolled a Spruce fly, Nobody else was catching fish either.

Then on Wed we drove through Big Ten CG and there was an opening on the water (#3) so in 2 loads I moved our gear. Great location, lots of shade, steady but not annoying breeze. Again very few mosquitoes. By now we were hot & dusty. Quick trip up to Head Lake(?) for a swim and back to camp. Then I finally got my first bite right there in front of our camp. Pulled in a 13 inch rainbow.

Next AM, up early, ready to go out in my tube. gear - check. rods - check. waders on, tube in the water - oh #%@!. Where's my stabilizer bar/ stripping skirt. I have a Caddis tube, the kind of bar that velcros in between the two sides. Back up to camp, looked all over, all over the car - nothing. Between the moves it must've gotten lost. So options (at 5:00 am). Fire up my noisy car and wake up everyone, drive over to Peninsula, hope there's no-one in our previous spot, find the thing. Option two is walk. Nah - too far. So I get in the tube, no gear cause I'd probably drop it in the water, and finkick over to look for it.

30 minutes later - nothing there aarrggg. Back across the lake. Looks like I'll be bankin it. Nothing else. No bites, bumps, hits. Talked to a few guys. Slow fishing.
Came back late afternoon Thursday.

In conclusion, I think I left it somewhere around Peninsula CG and someone thought it would be a cool thing to have. Anyone have an idea how to replace that bar/skirt piece. I only paid $25 at a garage sale for the whole float tube, and it's in pristine condition. Caddis website doesn't show it as something that can be bought separately.

Overall a good trip, warm weather, no bites by flying things, but just the one bite from a swimming thing.

oh yeah, saw a long garter snake right there on the bank in front of our Camp Ten CG. Cool.

Hey thanks for the detailed report. Happy to hear the Skeeter situation has calmed down. Glad you had a good time, but sucks fishing was so slow. The fish have been eating a steady diet of insects and are probably becoming quite full, so less likely to bite on anything. It'll pick up in a few weeks I'm sure. I am still going to head up very early Monday morning and will try everything in the book. Start out with casting bubble & flies no doubt.
It helps to stay out of the shade. The skeeters hide out there.

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