Mciver and me

Well went fiching at Mciver park this sat. Got there about 630 am and didn't leave till around 300 pm. Didn't get nothing myself but did see a guy pull out a 8 pound black samon. He kept it to I didn't think they were any good to eat or at least thats what I have heard anyways.

They were jumping all day and I mean all day and not more then five feet from me some even jumped less then a foot from my hook as it flooted down stream. Can really make a person wonder what they are doing wrong sometimes. But I'm going to keep at it and hope to get a keeper one of these days.

So when does the good fishing start and how do I know where they are at what times lol HELP ME PLEASE

You are in a good spot, with a lot of bronze fish, that being said, the older, darker 'nook are not so much in the mood to bite, so yes there are a lot of big rollers, but not so many hook ups, yet. We get a push here after the next rain for Coho, and followed by them we get some Steelhead. Stay tuned to the banks, they will be here, and the Jack Chinook are biting spinners like crazy, Bell bodies in, Green, Chart/Grn, Black, Blue, Orange, & Pink/White, all with a black brass blade...That is the real killer there, the black brass. Also try fishing in the riffle above Riverside Park, down low on the Clack. Steelhead hold, as well as Coho within the fast water, so give that a scout.
ok so whats a jack is that like a younger one or what and your allowed 5 a day of them? How do you tell the diff?
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Jack are sexually immature Salmon that are 15-18" in length for Coho, and 15-24" in length for Chinook. They are great eating, and when you retain them, make sure they are brats, or hatchery stock... I have seen too many folks keeping them with adipose fins still seemingly intact.:( Sad...Got a few more today from 3 different spots on the Clack, so they are seemingly into spinners at the moment.
See this is where I start getting lost now, I have been told that you are alowed to keep one wild samon a day. Did someone mislead me on this one? Not sure if I want to keep a jack anyways really want to get ahold of the big fishy lol. So if they aren't old enough to spawn what in the world are they doing up here or have they not made it to the ocean yet?
you are allowed NO WILD SALMON/STEELHEAD FROM THE CLACKAMAS. Only fin clipped fish..

Now in the COLUMBIA, you may keep fish with their adipose. However that is only in the Fall.

If you catch a hatchery jack, just keep it. It's a section of the geen pool we don't really favor. Also it's distantly similar to comparing a young deer and an old deer. Those jacks taste as good as it gets.

Don't rely on word of mouth, check here:

Resources: Fishing - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
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Osmosis is absolutely right...All who fish a river system, even once need to read up on the regulations for the section of river they intend to target fish on. There is so much foul fishing these days it is disgusting, just make sure you read up, and stay legal...
fishing partner

fishing partner

hi..i'm looking of r a fishing partnerfrom portland area who can go fish on weekends and not with time boundation...i know some people whom i go fish but i donno wats wrong ..they are so scared of their wife that after we leave at 6 and by the time we start fishing its like 6:40 or 7 in the morning and then they have to get back at like 10:30 am .
Anyhoo its good to be scared of your wife ( keeps you in line ) but not like P-whipped ( sorry for my french)...
I'll pay for the gas. So pick me up..we fish and drop me off...any takers??? lemme know
ok so why dont we favor that part of the jean pool what do you mean by that? yeah I'm new to all this so hey lol
luv2fish said:
hi..i'm looking of r a fishing partnerfrom portland area who can go fish on weekends and not with time boundation...i know some people whom i go fish but i donno wats wrong ..they are so scared of their wife that after we leave at 6 and by the time we start fishing its like 6:40 or 7 in the morning and then they have to get back at like 10:30 am .
Anyhoo its good to be scared of your wife ( keeps you in line ) but not like P-whipped ( sorry for my french)...
I'll pay for the gas. So pick me up..we fish and drop me off...any takers??? lemme know

Well I'm always looking for someone to go fishing with. As far as the gas that we could split wouldn't expect someone to flip the whole bill. I like to go out to the estacada area the most don't know just like it out there. But you would have to be ready to go before that though I five most the time.
ArcticAmoeba said:
Osmosis is absolutely right...All who fish a river system, even once need to read up on the regulations for the section of river they intend to target fish on. There is so much foul fishing these days it is disgusting, just make sure you read up, and stay legal...

Believe me the one thing I want to do isstay legal I dont want to get a fine can't afford that not to mention loose my gear and all I like my stuff to much for that
I'm down for that.. my freind use to pick me up at 4:45 in the mroning and he would find me ready in my waders and vest....lemme know when you want to start and i like it early are more willing to bite....i'm familiar with estacada area..have fished their with my buddy john over there but he's kinda busy with work and stuff so ...anyways lemme know..
luv2fish said:
I'm down for that.. my freind use to pick me up at 4:45 in the mroning and he would find me ready in my waders and vest....lemme know when you want to start and i like it early are more willing to bite....i'm familiar with estacada area..have fished their with my buddy john over there but he's kinda busy with work and stuff so ...anyways lemme know..

Well i get three day weekends fri sat and sun most the time i go at least two time but this weekend I have two kids bday parties to tend to on sat and sun and dont really have money this fri to go gas and all drive a truck so sucks more then i like but next weekend is going to be good get paid next week
yeah its the case with me too.. i mean i get salary and i work from home but i'll be getting it next anyways looks like we are in same boat...prolly next week..
well next week sounds good to me look foward to it
so has any one been up near mciver lately? know if the fishing is good that high up yet? was thinking about heading that way but didn't really want to go if nothing is going on.
Lots of boot Chinook. If you just want to fight a dirty fish, you could head up that far, but not too many decent Steelhead left, and the 'Hos don't run that high period. For the winter I normally fish from below the confluence of Eagle Creek, as most of the fish I target pool up below that point. Mostly Winter Steelhead, but this year I'm going to concentrate my efforts to this 3 bag limit on Coho, until I can no longer retain, then go back to murdering cold Steel.
so Ian ru up for some fishing this sandy...???lots of ho's there...
I'll let ya know Raj. I may be busy, with my storage unit, and getting into a new place, but I would probably head out for a few hours at least...I'll get a hold of you later today..

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