Lost my main box...

I was fishing the Sandy at Dodge Park the other day, after an interview out that way, and I guess my main fly box popped off the front of my chest pack. Didn't find that out for a day or two. Sucks, as I probably had over 200 flies in there - half dries, half nymphs... Would be sweet if someone on here found/finds it and can get it back. I'd pony up a small reward for it's return.

It was black nylon exterior, white ripple foam interior, with a clip on the back (where it clipped on to the front of hte vest...). Had a bunch of hair wing caddis flies, adamses, parachute dries, bivisibles, griffith's gnats, and spent wing dries on one side, my nymph selection on the other half was a bunch of smaller generic nymphs, some thread worms, dubbed caseless caddis larvae, some bead head princes, pheasant tails, some soft hackle wets, and I think some big stone flies.

I think I lost it over on the rocks near the parking area furthest from the entrance, where the slow slick water tails out into a small rapid...
I was fishing the Sandy at Dodge Park the other day, after an interview out that way, and I guess my main fly box popped off the front of my chest pack. Didn't find that out for a day or two. Sucks, as I probably had over 200 flies in there - half dries, half nymphs... Would be sweet if someone on here found/finds it and can get it back. I'd pony up a small reward for it's return.

It was black nylon exterior, white ripple foam interior, with a clip on the back (where it clipped on to the front of hte vest...). Had a bunch of hair wing caddis flies, adamses, parachute dries, bivisibles, griffith's gnats, and spent wing dries on one side, my nymph selection on the other half was a bunch of smaller generic nymphs, some thread worms, dubbed caseless caddis larvae, some bead head princes, pheasant tails, some soft hackle wets, and I think some big stone flies.

I think I lost it over on the rocks near the parking area furthest from the entrance, where the slow slick water tails out into a small rapid...

Dude that sucks! I was just telling you the other weekend how I lost $100 bucks worth jigs with that vest and box... I will drive down there tomorrow and look around..... hopefully I will stumble over them! Were you at the main beach or down river?
A couple of years back I lost my camera on the Upper D at a very busy fishing spot. It seemed like I was SOL! :( Anywho, I have faith in people and listed it in the Craig's List under Lost and Found. Heaven behold someone called me up and had found my picture taker. I was so stoked I started doing cartwheels and shaking the pom-poms. Hopefully something may happen to you two too. It feels really good doing the next right thing :) So needless to say, Karma has come full circle with me and I will continue to help with things the best I can and hope ya'll will too. ;)
that sucks mark,,,,,,,,,,,,,,last year i lost my main box on the deschutes then after i retied flies and filled my next main box i lost it again on the siletz..............if anyone can find it it will be EGGS he has an eye for that stuff

let me know if you dont find it and ill help you refill it with flies
Thanks for the offers guys. I was a busy boy yesterday during my downtime, I got 73 flies tied up to replace some of the lost boys (would've been 75, but I broke two nymph hooks...) - it's not nearly what was in the box, but a start. I just need to swing by the fly shop (again) and get some more hooks. guess now is a good time to tw2eak my fly selections.

And Eggs - I started fishing at the beech just down from the bridge, working some of the small openings through the trees, then I headed downstream and then up the other fork a bit, to where the large rocky area is. I leap frogged out onto the rocks (I was in slacks and boots, not waders) - so I guess it could be anywhere there...
That sounds cheaper than driving back to the Sandy for a look see anyway. Sorry that happened to you but you are not alone. I think every fly fisherman has done that at least once. Maybe not with that big of a box but I know I've lost a couple boxes over the years. Keep tying and have fun while you do it.

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ok I will check that area down by bull run and just walk the bank.. the park isn't that big.. I will let you know my findings.. I wont get down there till after work but worth the 5 minute drive.
that sucks mark,,,,,,,,,,,,,,last year i lost my main box on the deschutes then after i retied flies and filled my next main box i lost it again on the siletz..............if anyone can find it it will be EGGS he has an eye for that stuff

let me know if you dont find it and ill help you refill it with flies

you lost yoru box 2 times? oh man that sucks. and kudos for stepping up and offering to help him refill his box :clap:
Man wish I had good news... I gave it a solid 2 hours of looking and checked with grounds crew but no luck.. grounds guy will keep an eye out and ask around... if he finds it he will hold on to it and let me know..
Thanks for the hard look, Eggs. I doubt I'll find it - but that's how it goes. Hopefully whoever found/finds it can put the thing to good use.

I stopped and got more hooks yesterday, some more goose biots, and some more thread - spent last night tying a bunch of flies up. I should have about 200 flies or so when I'm done - and I *think* I've decided on the box I want - I'm holding off on buying a new box for a week or two, until I get all the flies replaced. I found a neat Wheatly plastic box for about $22 that should be a dandy. I'm considering a couple other boxes, but that Wheatley is a neat box.

As it stands this morning, I've tied up a bunch of hare's ear variants, a bunch of soft hackle peacocks, some prince nymphs (it wasn't one of my fav flies, but it was the only thing I could get the trout to bite during the camping trip), a bunch of traditional soft hackle wet flies, created a new super simple caddis dry pattern, some traditional dries... I should have a neat box when I get the new one put together.
I definitely do - I've just been suffering from a lack of time lately - I'm hoping that next week sees something of a return to normality, at least for a week or two. Have a job interview tomorrow, and if all goes well, me & the fam will be moving out somewhere between Sandy and Estacada at the end of the month - but that should still give me 1-2 weeks of "normality"...I hope!
I'm almost done with my restock attempts - i've got a few more #16 dries & nypmhs to tie up, but the new fly box is about full. I need to break out the camera and get a picture, it's so pretty.

The box I got from River City - doesn't have brand name stamped anywhere, but it's similar to some of the higher end Plano fly boxes I've seen - it's double sided, and has the foam with the little saw-tooth cut outs, with the slits you press the flies into versus the old school ripple foam. Both sides are water tight, sealed with rubber gaskets. I got the bigger box of the two sizes he sells. This box has 288 such saw teeth slits, and at last count, I had about 220 slots filled. One side all wets/nymphs, one side all dries. I might have to pick up another one of these boxes for the rest of the collections.
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