Loch Ness Steelhead

Once again I chased rumors of a mythical creature called "steelhead". Beaver Fan and I wandered the entire fishable length of the Wilson today to no avail.
Water was absolutley incredible! except no fish =( Used: jigs,spinners, free drifts, plastic worms, roe I even tried the dark side of the force. nothing. Elusive are these fish.
troutmasta said:
Once again I chased rumors of a mythical creature called "steelhead". Beaver Fan and I wandered the entire fishable length of the Wilson today to no avail.
Water was absolutley incredible! except no fish =( Used: jigs,spinners, free drifts, plastic worms, roe I even tried the dark side of the force. nothing. Elusive are these fish.
Have you guys ever heard of the gambling rule, never bet on your favorite team? The wilson is an amazing river, and obviously Beaver fans favorite river.... But the wilson seems to be a little hard on the beaver lately.... If you guys had gone to the nestucca, necanicum, or clack you might have got a fish, but you decided to follow 8 guys through all the same old wilson river holes.. Brake out of the box Beaverfan.... go find some new water... the wilson is not good to you, You are like Bill Murry in groundhog day.... every week, same river, same jig, same hole, same expectations.... same result. Tell me what day of next week you have time... were going fishing, and not to the wilson. Im gonna show you how to kill a skunk.;)
I'm open pretty much any day, but I have been fishing other water. I've fished the Sandy and the Clack in the past week, but your right and you crack me up!
ok, I will know by monday where we should go, and will let you know. Sandy is like the wilson, your not gonna figure it out in a day, suprised the clack didn't cough a fish up for ya... well I think your due for one soon.. we,ll see what we can do about it.;)
I know things have been tough all over this week...A friend and I only pulled one from the clack today (yes finaly got off my rear and went fishing) and some of the best guides on the river did no better....Hang in there Jay, you'll hit one.
halibuthitman said:
Have you guys ever heard of the gambling rule, never bet on your favorite team? The wilson is an amazing river, and obviously Beaver fans favorite river.... But the wilson seems to be a little hard on the beaver lately.... If you guys had gone to the nestucca, necanicum, or clack you might have got a fish, but you decided to follow 8 guys through all the same old wilson river holes.. Brake out of the box Beaverfan.... go find some new water... the wilson is not good to you, You are like Bill Murry in groundhog day.... every week, same river, same jig, same hole, same expectations.... same result. Tell me what day of next week you have time... were going fishing, and not to the wilson. Im gonna show you how to kill a skunk.;)

troutmasta was part of this too..........can i come?????? i got my skunk killin gat locked and loaded.:D

P.s fished the clack from carver to mciver on monday saw one person catch one all day.
troutmasta said:
troutmasta was part of this too..........can i come?????? i got my skunk killin gat locked and loaded.:D

P.s fished the clack from carver to mciver on monday saw one person catch one all day.
yeah, if you pick up Jay on the way:D
p.p.s last time I fished the Wilson with beaverfan(before today) Hooked 7 nates landed one he hooked around 5 and got one to the shore as well.(salmon) Great day.
Ahhhhh the good ol' days! :lol:

We should have known the day wouldn't end good when we drove past that freshly killed skunk this morning, dang that was stanky!
halibuthitman said:
yeah, if you pick up Jay on the way:D

will do!!!!! I'll drive if need be. Just got a new TRUCK!
beaverfan said:
Ahhhhh the good ol' days! :lol:

We should have known the day wouldn't end good when we drove past that freshly killed skunk this morning, dang that was stanky!

That thing was STANKY. I was dry heaving sausage burrito all over jays energy drink! :shock:The burgers on the way home were F'in Bomb though.
Roger.... next week then;)
I have a nasty skunk that needs killing also. I'm headed up to eagle creek in the morning if anyone wants to meet up and learn me something. I'll be in a dodge minivan and will have a black/gray backpack on.

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