Leaburg Steelhead fishing

Anyone been catching Salmon/Steelhead up there yet. I am gonna head up there after work today just curious.:think:
Three chinook caught up there this morning, and I hooked up twice. I know of one steelhead caught up there this week, still pretty early for them yet, that'll pick up in June, peaking in July/August and then pretty good again in October when they get hungry again.
I just got back did not hook-up at all but it was nice to get out there. By chance where were you fishing at because the water is a lot higher then when i usually go. i fished the flat if thats what you want to call it right now. the hatchery hole was packed.
It's higher than I have ever fished it in the last 10 years. I fished on the highway side little ways down from the dam, hooked up twice. Also grabbed the waders and fished the hatchery side briefly, opposite of where i hooked up...but with no luck. It was pretty sketch too because the water is moving really fast and it's up about 10 feet from the last time i was up there, didn't really feel so comfortable standing in moving water, so quit that quickly. Fished 6 different spots between there and greenwood, and a few below greenwood with no luck. It's just moving too fast. Hopefully they'll stop letting water out of the reservoirs as we get less rain, and it'll drop back into shape again...but until then, it's a bit tricky.
Props on the 2 hook-ups this morning. I haven't hooked a fish drifting this year. I've never tried a Kwik-fish either. Have you had any luck throwing Kwik-Fish on The Mckenzie? My buddy said he knows some guys who do really well tying a fillet of Herring to it.
Bfishin said:
Props on the 2 hook-ups this morning. I haven't hooked a fish drifting this year. I've never tried a Kwik-fish either. Have you had any luck throwing Kwik-Fish on The Mckenzie? My buddy said he knows some guys who do really well tying a fillet of Herring to it.
That's how I hooked into one of them, using a k15. Herring doesn't really do a whole lot this far upriver, herring is something I would use when they're fresh out of the salt in the tidewater. Works really well on the Siuslaw in the fall.
You get back up there at all this weekend? Floated the willy on sat even that beast is up pretty good ran some shrimp and plugs but it was pushing us out of the holes pretty fast but we caught some super big cutts and some nice trout.
I was up there on saturday for about two hours until I was ran out of my hole by a large family with screaming children throwing rocks where I was casting..at which point I said forget this, and went home as it was getting towards around 7pm anyways. Was going to fish the hatchery side but I left home without my waders and just did not want to deal with that mess to fish for another hour. Was going to go today, but went up to Carmen and killed some trout instead to fill the void, got a nice 20 incher, that was a bonus. As of saturday it's dropped a good three feet since thursday, and is starting to drop into shape, although it's crystal clear already.

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